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Support Forum » Error initialload

December 07, 2012
by pauloesperon
pauloesperon's Avatar

Hi all,

My fist thread is about a problem, sorry. I'm having trouble programming the chip back to the first congratulations mode. I'm doing the make in initialload and I get this message. as far as the hardward I've cheked and re-checked it and it is properly conected. I should point out that it is programmed with the temperature file and I want to get it back again.

I left it there a couple months ago because my time consuming school and work and I have some spare time for a month and I want to learn as much as possible. Also if you guys have any suggestions about books or websites to learn how to program (because I feel I'm just following instructions so far) will be greatly appreciated.

Hugs and many thanks for the help. alt text

December 08, 2012
by Rick_S
Rick_S's Avatar

You have to edit the makefile so avrdude knows where the serial port on your computer is located (USB/serial adapter). The /dev/ttyUSB2 will need changed to COMxx where xx represents the number designated by your computer for the com port. This would make the line look something like this:

AVRDUDEFLAGS=-c avr109 -p m168 -b 115200 -P com10

In my example, the com port is 10. The editing process is explained a bit in more detail in your NK Guide.


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