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Everything Else » Already have xcode/gcc; will AVR MacPack overwrite?

October 09, 2009
by busoni
busoni's Avatar

I'm a programmer and use XCode, which comes with gcc 4.2.1 (Snow Leopard version). I'm about to install AVR MacPack 20080721 and wonder if it will mess with my existing XCode/gcc setup or not. Anyone know?

October 10, 2009
by busoni
busoni's Avatar

Answering my own question: it won't mess anything up. I peeked at the .bom and .pax files in the installation package and everything gets dumped into a /usr/local/AVRMacPack directory and nothing else that I can see. Good to go!

October 10, 2009
by mrobbins
(NerdKits Staff)

mrobbins's Avatar

Hi busoni,

Yes, you're right, it won't interfere. Additionally, its binaries are named with a prefix such as "avr-gcc" etc, so there shouldn't be any confusion between them and normal gcc.



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