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Support Forum » LED BLINK project hanging

December 28, 2012
by sthomas
sthomas's Avatar

Hi, I am trying to compile the Blink Led project but it is hanging at the step below and not proceeding further. I tried many new batteries, and checked all the connections also. I checked the makefile that the correct COM port is referred to. Any help will be appreciated. I did manage to get the other LCD projects etc to work without any problem on this same machine. Windows command prompt

December 28, 2012
by pcbolt
pcbolt's Avatar

sthomas -

Usually the 3 things I check when the make process hangs at that point is 1) Check the programming switch on pin 14, 2) Check to make sure Windows did not re-assign the COM port for the USB/Serial cable and 3) Re-insert, jiggle inspect the 3 USB cable connections at the breadboard (ground, TX and RX). If you have a multimeter, check the power rails.All else fails, tear it apart and start from scratch.

December 29, 2012
by sthomas
sthomas's Avatar

Thanks pcbolt, you were right. The programming switch was not grounded.

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