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Support Forum » Access denied for makefile

January 01, 2013
by I4mCaveman
I4mCaveman's Avatar

When I type in make on the command prompt I get an error that says this:

    make: makefile: Permission denied
    make: ***No Targets. Stop

I am working on the temperature sensor and I'm using a windows computer.

January 01, 2013
by Ralphxyz
Ralphxyz's Avatar

You might need to run make as an administrator.

make: No Targets. Stop***

implies that you do not have your tempsensor folder in the right place i.e. PATH

You should have something like C:\Nerdkits\Code\tempsensor for your folder path.

You might download and unzip again.


January 01, 2013
by Rick_S
Rick_S's Avatar

You may need to reinstall WINAVR as administrator as well. Failure to install as admin (right click install file and select run as administrator) can prevent the path from updating and will prevent some files from installing.


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