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Support Forum » initialload text display problems

January 10, 2013
by mwood
mwood's Avatar

Hello all!

I am experiencing problems with the initialload program. It does not display text properly. The pre-installed program displayed correctly on the LCD after everything was wired up. However, when I compiled and uploaded the initialload program to the chip, all that was displayed was the last line of text written to the LCD. It appears that any text written to the LCD is being written exclusively to the first line.

To verify this, I commented out all but the first line of text in the source file. Now all that was being printed to the LCD was 'Congratulations!'. That worked just fine. So then I changed the line to which the text should have printed. That had no effect, 'Congratulations!' still printed on the first line. I tried printing to each of the four lines, but the text always prints to the first line.

I double checked my wiring already, but hope to have time to check it all again today. I am curious if this sounds like a common problem. If so, perhaps someone has some advice for me.


January 10, 2013
by Rick_S
Rick_S's Avatar

Maybe try the makefile changes suggested in THIS Post, or update the AVR toolchain as suggested HERE. Often that will fix these problems.


January 10, 2013
by mwood
mwood's Avatar

Thanks for the suggestions, Rick! I'll look into that.


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