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Everything Else » Codes Embedded in an Email...

January 19, 2013
by JimFrederickson
JimFrederickson's Avatar


I recently received an Email that seems to have some codes/embedded message in it?

It seems to be based on a 4 character coding alphabet.


So a sample line looks like:

There are no spaces, and each line can be of varying lengths. LF/EOL does not seem to be part of the coding scheme.

Has any one else seen something like this?

I think it may be some proprietary scheme that just this company is using, but I am hoping it is something more common...


January 19, 2013
by BobaMosfet
BobaMosfet's Avatar

Please post the entire 'weird' embedding. Exactly as it appears, please. I have an idea what it might be


January 19, 2013
by JimFrederickson
JimFrederickson's Avatar

Here is one complete line:


I am a little reticent to post the entire thing since I am not sure what I am posting.

That is one complete line though.

Upon further inspection the coding alphabet is 5 characters not 4.

Hopefully that will be enough for you to make your determination...

January 20, 2013
by BobaMosfet
BobaMosfet's Avatar


I understand.

You might simply select the entire thing, and change the font to courier, and see what it 'looks' like.

This 'encoding' for example, looks weird here:



--==_______==--- -,==__=========================___=-- -_=___=========================_=-- -=___==___=-- -=______==___=-- -=______==___=-- -=______==___=-- -=______==___=-- -=__========___=-- -=__==_=======___=-- -=__==_==____=-- -_=___====_====__=_-- -=_=====_====_=====__=-- -=_==========_====__=-- -=__==_=======___=-- -_=__====____=_-- -=__==_=======___=-- -=__==_=======___=-- -=______==___=-- -=______==___=-- -=______==___=-- -=______==___=-- -=______==___=-- -=___========___=_-- -___========___-- -____====____-- -____,____-- --=_______--- ---=_______=_---- -----_______------

But if we select it and change it to courier, we get this:


Just a thought.


January 20, 2013
by JimFrederickson
JimFrederickson's Avatar

ASCII Art...

I had thought of that before, I wasn't able to "see any discernible image".

Since the lines are of various lengths, I also tried a fixed pitch font the standard left justified, as well as right justified and centered.

No go any of them.

I am pretty sure, now, that this Email is part of a SCAM of some-sort. I think these sequences in the message are some sort of "imbedded coding" that allows some automated software to track/manipulate the Emails.

I am still looking at the patterns for now, but will likely give up after today if I don't find anything.

Strange though...

Not something I had seen before...

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