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Basic Electronics » Introductory circuit design books

January 30, 2013
by patman
patman's Avatar

Can anyone recommend a good introductory circuit design book? Ideally, I am looking for one that a novice can understand but also one that is thorough enough where you can begin designing projects that are practical. Thanks, Pat

January 30, 2013
by pcbolt
pcbolt's Avatar

Pat -

It's hard to find one book that focuses on basic design without going into all the math that's involved, so most books are either cookbooks (put this here, solder that there etc) or are intro's into college level circuit theory (usually with calculus and differential equations or complex algebra). I've heard good things about This Book but I have not read it myself. My preferred way of learning is through sites like All About Circuits or online video courses Plenty Here. The Berkeley class on Electronic Techniques looks promising, but I've been hooked on the Cornell site which deals with programming for the ATmegas...tons of links from the course site.

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