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Basic Electronics » Unipolar Stepper motor with ULN2003A,

February 11, 2013
by Ralphxyz
Ralphxyz's Avatar

Here is the circuit:

Here is the ULN2003A specsheet

I have a 6 volt unipolar stepper motor.

Now my first question is should I have 6 volts going to COM, Stepper motor supply?

That is what it seems like I should have, that means the end coil wires will be pulled low correct, when the motor runs?

In looking at the ULN2003A specsheet I do not see how the outputs would be low so that is why I am asking.

Thanks for the help, am I missing anything?


February 11, 2013
by Ralphxyz
Ralphxyz's Avatar

Well that works!!

6 volts to COM with common ground between the mcu and the stepper motor.


February 11, 2013
by dvdsnyd
dvdsnyd's Avatar

Ralph, What are your plans for the stepper motors?

February 11, 2013
by Ralphxyz
Ralphxyz's Avatar

I had always wanted to make up a XYZ table, but since I have a CNC/3D printer on order

I do not need to do that now.

Probable one the first thing I am going to make is a solar tracker I got a bunch of 8.5 degree steppers off a site for $.90 apiece so I have a lot to play with.

This specific application was for a Peristaltic pump. The pump is missing the cover, I'll make one up with my 3D printer. Possible with the cover and electronics and tubing I'll see if I can sell them on ebay. I think I should be able to sell them for $150.00. Peristaltic pumps are being bought every day so any one who wants a precise metered flow might be interested.

I'll start a new thread about the encoder.


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