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Support Forum » PS2 Keyboard Project not working

February 20, 2013
by Johnny544
Johnny544's Avatar


I'm a newbie who has successfully completed 4 projects. I decided to try the PS2 keyboard project, but I can't get it to work. When I run it, all I get is a repeating symbol on the LCD (about 1 per second). When I type, nothing happens.

Just for fun I tried swapping the data and clock lines, and I got a repeating question mark.

I'm not sure this is pertinent, but I bought a USB/PS2 combo keyboard. It came with a USB connector and a USB-to-PS2 adapter. I was able to identify the four wires as per the instructions by plugging in the adapter.

Thanks in advance for your help,


February 21, 2013
by Johnny544
Johnny544's Avatar

I just wanted to add-- I found a fifth wire-- bare copper with no insulation-- that is attached to the shield of the PS2 connector. Do I need to connect this to anything?

Thanks again.

February 21, 2013
by Ralphxyz
Ralphxyz's Avatar

Generally a bare wire is some sort of ground, in this case it might be a chassis ground and possible not needed but changes are it will not hurt to connect it to ground.

You might check first with a continuity tester to make sure there will not be any shorts.


February 22, 2013
by Johnny544
Johnny544's Avatar

Thanks Ralph. I'll hook it up to ground and see if that helps.

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