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Everything Else » Missing item in upgrade to atmega328p nano guide
February 20, 2013 by Trevor47 |
Having had a great learning time and made some fun projects with my nerdkit and the ATmega168 I tried to upgrade to the ATmega328p. I read and reread the nano guide, them repeated the process many times, I still had errors saying PD6 and PD7 not defined in lcd. I finally tracked it down. I had to add "#include io_328p.h" to the lcd.c file in the /nerdkits/ directory, as well as adding to the project source code. Nowhere could I find this mentioned in the ATmega upgrade nano guide. Has anyone seen it mentioned? Anyway happy to say that all the old 168 code I've tried so far now seems to be working on the 328p. Thanks Trevor |
February 21, 2013 by Ralphxyz |
I think the less said the better. Ralph |
February 21, 2013 by Trevor47 |
Thanks Ralph for the reply. I was sort of following directions exactly and no where does it say include it in the "lcd.c" file in the /nerdkits directory so I had to think and figure that part out and I'm not used to thinking I guess.. haha.. Anyway I'm really having fun with this and learning lots. In one of your other forums you mention the Protostack board which looks great and might be my next purchase. Trevor |
February 22, 2013 by Rick_S |
That's because you shouldn't need to include it in those files. Simply deleting the .o files from the libnerdkits folder would have forced a re-compile and as long as the include was in your program should have worked. Rick |
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