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Everything Else » Connect iOS device usb cable directly to Microcontroller

March 18, 2013
by Mateusnbm
Mateusnbm's Avatar

Is possible to connect an iOS device usb cable directly to the microcontroller,just like the usb cable from my Nerdkit?

Some days ago i mixed the projects, iPhone R/C car and the led blink,basically the idea is the same as the iPhone R/C car project,but instead of controlling the car,i'm controlling three leds!So,i want to cut the connections between the microcontroller and computer(USB Connection) and between iPhone and my computer(Web connection),and connect directly the iPhone to my Nerkit.

If this is possible,is secure to do such thing,to precent the iOS device and the microcontroller from being damaged?

March 18, 2013
by Ralphxyz
Ralphxyz's Avatar

Just off the top of my head "it ""should"" be possible".

You would need some sort of USB to Serial device but it should be possible.


March 20, 2013
by Mateusnbm
Mateusnbm's Avatar

Thanks Ralph,i know this is not a common question but i was expecting something more specific,i searched on the web but i didn't find anything related to my question.I'm just worried about connecting the mine iPhone for tests and crash it in some way!

About the USB,i believe the iPhone usb cable do the trick,i have some old ones!

Again thanks for your time,Mateus

March 20, 2013
by Noter
Noter's Avatar

I doubt it's going to work out of the box on the either the iPhone or an android device. Drivers for /dev/ttyUSB ports are not typically included in builds for embedded systems.

March 20, 2013
by Mateusnbm
Mateusnbm's Avatar

Yes i have to agree,i searched a bit more and found this cable,do you believe this could work?

March 20, 2013
by Noter
Noter's Avatar

Yep, that looks like what you want to do. Sure is expensive. Why not use bluetooth instead? All you need is an adapter that can be found on eBay for $8.

March 22, 2013
by Mateusnbm
Mateusnbm's Avatar

Thanks for your reply Noter,you're right,now i believe that the best way is to go with Bluetooth.The thing is that i'm from Brazil,things here are much more expensive,but could you take a look at this adapter,and check if it will work with my Nerdkit.

Thanks in advance,Mateus

March 22, 2013
by Noter
Noter's Avatar

Yep, looks like the same thing I bought on eBay. Be sure to use a voltage divider or limiter on the tx pin of the nerdkit because the bluetooth module will only tolerate 3.3v. It may work for a while at 5v but it will eventually damage the bluetooth module port and ruin the device. Look over this example in the library Command Interface using Smartphone and bluetooth.

March 22, 2013
by Rick_S
Rick_S's Avatar

Correct me if I'm wrong, but I believe apple locked out Bluetooth serial on iOS devices. I know the serial Bluetooth OB2 car analyzers won't work on iOS devices because of this.


March 22, 2013
by Noter
Noter's Avatar

I can't imagine why they would do that but as an android user I have no idea. If so, another reason not to buy apple.

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