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Support Forum » Can't find "make" or "initiallaod" files in command line to start programming

April 05, 2013
by JeffHealy
JeffHealy's Avatar

Hi, I recently recieved my nerdkit controller and I am working on the first nerdkit tutorial. I've finished assembling the breadboard and the "congrats...." message appears on the LCD ok. I've downloaded all the files and can read the initialload file and the make file in the programmers notepad etc.. The problem is that I can't seem to find or open files in the command line. I've followed the nerdkit instructions, when I type "make" it tells me "no targets specified and no makefile found. stop." When I type in dir, I get a list of directories but none of the files mentioned above (and nothing that I can open). Please Help! (I tried to send a print screen of the command line but didn't work) Many Thanks, Jeff H

April 05, 2013
by pcbolt
pcbolt's Avatar

Hi Jeff -

Were you able to navigate into sub-directories from the command line? Usually the "cmd" program defaults to one of your user name direcories like:


If you want to go deeper into the subdirectories use the "cd" command..

C:\Users\YourName> cd new_sub_directory

to get a new prompt..


To go up to a parent directory, use..


to get..


Once you navigate to your program's directory and confirm using "dir", you should be able to run "make".

April 05, 2013
by JeffHealy
JeffHealy's Avatar

Hi, yes I tried typing "cd new_sub_directory" and it says "the system cannot find the path specified". I've also tried to go into other files typing the file name after c:usersmyname> "file name" but I keep getting the reply that it does not recognise the file name or path etc.

April 05, 2013
by Ralphxyz
Ralphxyz's Avatar

JeffHealy, what OS are you using?

You are not on the correct PATH.

A screen shot would help.

When you open the command line what exactly are you seeing?

Where did you unzip the Nerdkit download to? Where is the Code folder relative to what you see when you open the command line?


April 05, 2013
by pcbolt
pcbolt's Avatar

Jeff -

Once you have your command prompt, do the "dir" command. In the list that shows up, change directories to one of items in the listing that has a <DIR> next to it. Keep doing that until you reach you program directory. You may have to go "up" directories first, back to the "C:\>" root prompt. Or, you could open up file explorer and find the path to your program files and do a "cd" command (in the "black window") with the entire path name written exactly like it is in explorer (spaces, capital letters etc). This should be done from the root prompt. There is more info HERE

April 05, 2013
by Ralphxyz
Ralphxyz's Avatar

pcbolt, that is a great link.


April 06, 2013
by sask55
sask55's Avatar

The web page found by pcbolt is very good and covers more then is likely to be required to help someone get familiar with the command line. Perhaps someone should make a link to the web page in the library so if will be very simple to find and direct Nerdkits members to some potentially useful information on these questions about the window command line that come up from time to time. I have found that some very useful information and links often get kind of buried and lost in the forms making it difficult to locate latter on.

April 06, 2013
by Ralphxyz
Ralphxyz's Avatar

sask55. in the time you took to post this you could of made a Library article :-)

But since it is such a good idea I'll do it.


April 06, 2013
by Ralphxyz
Ralphxyz's Avatar

Here is a Library Link for the Windows Command Line.


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