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Everything Else » The Hello Thread...

April 27, 2013
by Rick_S
Rick_S's Avatar

It's been a tumultuous time here lately with the site missing, forums missing, forums working, not working, then working again, and still no library...

With all that, I'm just wanting anyone who is back to chime in and say a simple Hello. I'm just trying to gauge how much of us have returned, and/or are able to post.

So I'll start...

Hello everyone!! Cheers

April 27, 2013
by sask55
sask55's Avatar

Ok Rick. I also think that this may be an interesting idea.

I for one have really missed this forum. I see that now the avatars are showing again and that I am able to post. I hope that this is an indication of lasting progress.

Hello Fellow Nerdkits forums followers. I would be glad to here from you again.


April 27, 2013
by scootergarrett
scootergarrett's Avatar

I have some projects to post about when there looking a little better

glad it back

April 27, 2013
by countryguy828
countryguy828's Avatar

Hello All,

Glad the forum is back, though I rarely post I do like to look each day and see what projects others are making progress on.


April 28, 2013
by Ralphxyz
Ralphxyz's Avatar

Well I'll say hello, I have tried to post most every day but failed.

A explanation would be nice but I am glad the forum is back.


April 28, 2013
by mongo
mongo's Avatar

I find I am once again able to post. Glad we can all get back to helping each other out.

April 28, 2013
by pcbolt
pcbolt's Avatar

Ralph -

I was able to ask Humberto over at the Circuit Lab forum about the problem. He said a server crash corrupted the whole file system and NK got it the worst. I'm guessing the library got the brunt of it.

April 28, 2013
JKITSON's Avatar

Hi Rick

Been out of town for a week.. Glad Nerdkits is on the way back up.

I started one of your new boards. Will post info later...


April 29, 2013
by Ralphxyz
Ralphxyz's Avatar

Hey Jim, what do you mean "I started one of your new boards."?

What is a "new board"?


April 29, 2013
by Rick_S
Rick_S's Avatar

Jim bought some of my full sized, pre-port expander, boards a while ago for his tractor pull projects.

Back on topic, I wonder if Noter will make it back...


April 29, 2013
by Keyster
Keyster's Avatar

Hello all.

i have a new project i am working on as well. i will post some pictures soon.

April 29, 2013
by dvdsnyd
dvdsnyd's Avatar

Hey all!

Glad the site is somewhat back up and running. I was definitely missing it and all of you while it was down.


April 30, 2013
by Noter
Noter's Avatar

Hello all.

I wonder if the library will be back online at some point or if it's over and out. Anyone know anything? ETA?

April 30, 2013
by pcbolt
pcbolt's Avatar

Hi Noter -

Good to have you back again. Humberto has been able to post to the Circuit Lab forum and as of 4 days ago, there still is no ETA on the restoration of the library. He assures us they are working on the problem. Apparently the server crash they experienced took down NK, Circuit Lab, their e-mail server and even the ordering subsystem.

Hope they get the library up within the next week or two since my next project is your ATmega168 programmer. I think I have the code but I may need some advice when I get to the wiring stage. I'll post when the time comes but I have a project keeping me busy in the meantime.

Rick posted a well-written message over at the Circuit Lab forum. If you get a chance, it's worth a read.

May 01, 2013
by Noter
Noter's Avatar

It's pretty obvious they didn't have a decent backup procedure. This is a typical mistake users make when attempting to do their own thing without the support of an IT professional. I've seen it many times over the years.

I also think it is quite poor practice to ignore the members by keeping us in the dark. A simple post or mass email is all it takes to disminate some information about the recovery and that would make us all feel better, confirm we have value, and show they care about their customer/member base. That might take a whole 5 minutes to compose, key, and mail/post.

May 01, 2013
by Ralphxyz
Ralphxyz's Avatar

Hi Paul glad to see you.

For reference here is a Web Archive link to the Library:

I just cannot imagine what Humberto is thinking about his Nerdkit users I am really put off.

They probable had their backup on the sever that crashed, I've seen that before.

I wish they had dumped the Markdown engine and gone to PHPbb or any decent forum software they could have done that the next day and eventually restored links to the old forum links.


May 01, 2013
by Noter
Noter's Avatar

My point exactly. A backup file residing on the same machine as the live data is a plan to fail. Another common screw up is to wait for a crash to test your recovery procedure all the while thinking your backups are good and you are covered. And if that isn't enough, users typically have zero documentation on the entire backup/restore process which certainly makes recovery difficult, especially for someone that didn't set it up in the first place. Humberto or Mike or whoever is in charge may be superior electrical engineers but obviously lack business and IT skills. Good time to go back college for a MBA and pickup some IT management classes along the way.

I don't hang out at Circuit Lab forum but I suspect the same situation exists over there.

May 01, 2013
by Rick_S
Rick_S's Avatar

Quote: Noter Said

I also think it is quite poor practice to ignore the members by keeping us in the dark. A simple post or mass email is all it takes to disseminate some information about the recovery and that would make us all feel better, confirm we have value, and show they care about their customer/member base. That might take a whole 5 minutes to compose, key, and mail/post.

This is what I was trying to say to them as politely as possible in my emails and on the circuit lab forum. I don't post over there much either but when Humberto stopped responding to my email, I thought maybe him or Mike would respond over there. They didn't even respond much there. Like I told him, we have pretty much been doing their support job for them w/o asking for anything. The least they could have done would have been to put up a simple splash page explaining the situation, with a basic apology and expected timeframe to bring it back. Instead, we got nothing.

Oh well, I didn't mean for this to turn into a gripe thread...

Anyone else back aboard yet???

May 01, 2013
by Blackwatch42nd
Blackwatch42nd's Avatar

I also don't post often but do read a lot. I've missed ya'lls input and expertise. Thanx for hang'n in there.

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