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Support Forum » LCD display power's up but no characters

May 06, 2013
by mynampatikuldeep
mynampatikuldeep's Avatar


I started building up the nerd kit for Temperature sensor project. As per the guide, I have connected the circuit. After completion, I was expecting to LCD would display with initial message as per the guide. But when I power-up, I see the LCD is displaying blank characters in all rows. I doubled checked the contract resistor (1K ohms ). Again double checked the wiring to check to see if they are connected to right pins and if they are not loose connections. Every thing seems to me right. Still, I don't see the LCD display with proper message. Am I missing something? Please help.

Thanks, Kuldeep

May 06, 2013
by Ralphxyz
Ralphxyz's Avatar

Kuldeep, whenever you "think" you might have a problem revert back to the Initialload project! If that still works then there is something with your code if initialload does not work then there is something with your wiring.

You might do this often.

Let us know what happens.


May 07, 2013
by mynampatikuldeep
mynampatikuldeep's Avatar

Hello Ralph,

Thanks for your response. Sorry! I mentioned wrongly at the initial thread. I was just following the user guide ( Page-24 and 32 ) provided by Nerd kits. I was assuming that processor is already loaded with default program. As per the guide, I was expecting with a message on LCD as shown in Page-32. Am I missing something?

Thanks, Kuldeep

May 07, 2013
by pcbolt
pcbolt's Avatar

Hi Kuldeep -

Make sure you go through the troubleshooting steps on page 33. You may have to start from scratch and re-wire everything...just in case. It sounds like you've done most of the steps. If it still does not work, take a few pictures of your breadboard and LCD and post them here so you can have extra eyes to check out if something is wrong. If everything works properly you should see the message shown on page 32 like you said.

May 07, 2013
by scootergarrett
scootergarrett's Avatar

I know you double checked you wiring but if your familiar with a bread board I always prefer using a regular old wire diagram

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