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Support Forum » Setting Up Programming Environment For Mac

June 02, 2013
by Empire
Empire's Avatar


In the PDF guide, when they want to configure the Mac for programming, they tell you to go the Terminal, go to the /dev directory, and located a file something along the lines of cu.PL2303-0000211A, but when I tried that, I don't find any file that resembles that file name. All my components are wired correctly. What can I do to fix this?

June 03, 2013
by Ralphxyz
Ralphxyz's Avatar

What version of OS X are you on ?

Chances are you have a newer version in which Apple changed the name of the USB ports.

Search the forum for Mac USB.

I just did the search and came up with one of my own post.

try /dev/cu.usbserial

Of course I got this from another post.

Apple once again has f*cked their legacy users so I can not update to the latest version of OS X on my Mac MiNi.

Guess that settles ever buying a Apple product again, this is the second time they got me.

I wonder if I can install Linux on my Mac Mini that might be fun. I know I can do it on a virtual machine but I'd like to do as the default OS.


June 03, 2013
by Empire
Empire's Avatar


I'm currently running Mac OS X 10.8.3 (Mountain Lion). Could it be that the driver I installed from the Nerdkits download page is outdated? I'm only getting a cu.Bluetooth file. Could you (and would you mind) giving me some sort of link to possibly a new driver that I can installed? Thanks Ralph.


June 03, 2013
by pcbolt
pcbolt's Avatar

Alexander -

I don't own a Mac, but I remember seeing a thread that listed some of the downloads you might need. I tracked it down HERE.

June 04, 2013
by Empire
Empire's Avatar


Thanks for the link, would I have to uninstall the current driver I already installed or....?

June 04, 2013
by Ralphxyz
Ralphxyz's Avatar

It is always safe to uninstall a non working driver.

You probably do not have to as the new driver points to a different USB designation.


June 04, 2013
by Empire
Empire's Avatar


Hope I'm not asking too many questions, but I downloaded the latest version of CrossPack for AVR at this link and I plugged the USB cable to my computer, made sure that the programming switch was switched on, and I checked to see if I could find any cu.usbserial was found, and I still couldn't find any file of that sort. Would you have any advice as to what to do from here?

June 05, 2013
by labudde
labudde's Avatar


In the PDF guide, when they want to configure the Mac for programming, they tell you to go the Terminal, go to the /dev directory, and located a file something along the lines of cu.PL2303-0000211A, but when I tried that, I don't find any file that resembles that file name.

in fact i can not see any files using 10.7.5 OSX on terminal Is command does not work for me

please help

June 05, 2013
by pcbolt
pcbolt's Avatar

Empire -

Did you also install the newer USB Cable Driver? Seems there is also an instruction page HERE with extra directions in the comment section. Like I said before I'm not a Mac guy so Ralph would know more than I.

June 06, 2013
by Ralphxyz
Ralphxyz's Avatar

Well I have once again been screwed over by Apple so I cannot use the newest version of OS X so all I know is what has been posted here. Others have worked it out.

labudde, what are you doing?

in fact i can not see any files using 10.7.5 OSX on terminal Is command does not work for me

Can you take a screenshot?


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