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Support Forum » downloading code for tutorials/projects
June 04, 2013 by rolf |
I can't get the code to download for any of the tutorials or projects that I'm interested in. The list includes morse code, crystal real time clock, and sound maker. |
June 04, 2013 by Noter |
I just downloaded the morse code decoder program with no problem. What happens when you try? |
June 04, 2013 by pcbolt |
rolf - You mave have to right click on the source code link and click "Save Target As". When I click on the links directly, I get text file in my browser that is all smushed together. Those are really good projects to experiment with. |
June 04, 2013 by rolf |
I've tried all the obvious options (left click, right click options that are applicable)and absolutely nothing happens with any of them. I also noted the following issue with the computer: My daughter sent me a photo attached to an e-mail and I can't print it; just the entire e-mail page with the opened photo. Window's explorer 10 just loaded this morning as an automatic update. Do you think that could be the source of the problems? I'll try system restore, go back to Window's Explorer 9, and see what happens. |
June 04, 2013 by rolf |
I was correct in suspecting Windows Explorer 10 so I have turned off the automated updates and will wait a few weeks before downloading and reinstalling it in the hope that the glitch will have been fixed by then. Beware WE 10. Thanks for your support. Rolf |
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