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Everything Else » Led Array Manual

July 27, 2013
by dgikuljot
dgikuljot's Avatar

Hey guys. So I really really want to purchase the led array kit but it has been out of stock for so long. While I am waiting for the kit to be back in the store, I want to read the pdf manual for it. Is there any way some one that purchased the kit can email me that manual. Like I said I am willing to buy this kit but it just has not been available for so long. my email: Thank you very much, Kuljot Dhami

July 27, 2013
by Rick_S
Rick_S's Avatar

Most anything you need to know about that kit and more is in the forums here. Many of us didn't purchase the 'kit', we built it from the tutorial page and software download there. I know I have a complete build tutorial in the forums that I have copied over in my blog for safe keeping. You can find the posts in my blog at


July 27, 2013
by Ralphxyz
Ralphxyz's Avatar

Kuljot, Rick's blog should cover what you need, if not I probable have the .pdf so let me know.

Also just searching the Nerdkit forum also will give you tons of help.

rhulslander gmail


July 27, 2013
by dgikuljot
dgikuljot's Avatar

Dear Rick , Thanks for the reply and awesome blog. I will definitely book mark that one. Maybe the community should just move over to there as there haven't been any new tutorials, store items not really being updated and such on here.

Ralph also thanks for the reply. One of the main reasons I want the .pdf is so i can read it on my Kindle when I do not have access to wifi. If you have it and you can send it to me I would really appreciate it. If not then no worries I understand.

Kuljot Dhami

July 28, 2013
by Rick_S
Rick_S's Avatar

I don't update my blog all that much either... Kinda goes in spurts when I get the bug to build something. I think as long as the NK site is around, this is the common place for those of us who invested in a kit to be able to come and ask just about any question without the fear of being ridiculed or flamed. I think that is by far the BEST part of this group of people, and the main reason I still check the posts on this site every morning.

BTW, if you look on my blog, there is a download for the software that in which I added several different motions to the text and some special effects. It is designed around a static display that has a pre-programmed message - not a display tied to a computer to get live messaging.

July 30, 2013
JKITSON's Avatar

I have one of the LED kits that have not used. Email me if interested


October 26, 2013
by tdiggs
tdiggs's Avatar

Hi all, due to the Array Kit being unavailable at this time i am in the same situation as dgikuljot from this thread was in a while back. Have read Rick_S's blog he provided,which is awesome by the way. If one of you have the array kit guide and are willing to send it to me it would be greatly appreciated.


October 28, 2013
JKITSON's Avatar

I can make a copy of mine for you. I still have my kit so need to keep a manual.

It may be a week or so for me to get to it.


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