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Support Forum » LED Array problem with led_array_test program

August 07, 2013
by kever
kever's Avatar
I went through the instructions on assembling the marquee led array project and was compiling and uploading  ledarray.c from the led array test folder. I had to change the make file with this change : " AVRDUDEFLAGS=-v -v -v -v  -c avr109 -p m168 -b 115200 -P /dev/ttyUSB0 " in order to get the source fule to compile and load using LinuxMint 15.

Well the code did sqwat, so I up loaded the blinking led, and tested each row by putting the column wire in the same pin as the test led and took each row wire and alternated each wire between the - and +. This showed my leds worked and the micro controller was working with the blinking code upload.

Does anyone have any ideas?

August 07, 2013
by pcbolt
pcbolt's Avatar

kever -

First off, I haven't built the LED Marquee project so I can't be of too much help. I think your troubleshooting steps so far are putting you on the right path since you've eliminated some of the possible problems already. The fix to the makefile seem odd though. Could you post your original and final makefiles? Also, what kind of errors were you getting before your fix? I noticed there is an outdated ISR name in the source code file...might need a fix there.

August 08, 2013
by Rick_S
Rick_S's Avatar

Assuming you have a working environment in Linux, you could try uploading my array code to see if it compiles and runs w/o errors. I just compiled it on my machine w/o errors. There is a file called io_328p.h that you will need to copy/move to your libnerdkits folder. My version of the array software does not interact with the PC, but is setup for a static display of pre-programmed text. I added a few animations to the text other than the basic scroll. You can download the file HERE and see a youtube video of it in operation HERE.


August 08, 2013
by kever
kever's Avatar
            Rick I tried your code and had to make a slight mode in the Make file in order to

get the correct syntax for the communications port for Linux, and then there was the mod I spoke of before in my first post of adding the 4 -v to the com setup. It worked great no problems, I even have taken the code you so generously gave. I then went onto check your array example to the code I was first using to test the array of LEDs. Well there are a number of differences in the code functions, might I have down loaded a older version of the LED test code? It has a lot of code that needs to be updated.

Again Thanks Jim for your code and PCBolt too for your quick reply and guidance.

Kever ;)
August 08, 2013
by Rick_S
Rick_S's Avatar

I don't know about the code from the 'kit', I never bought a kit, I just built my own based off the tutorial and software on the tutorial page. Don't know why you have to add the 4 -v's, maybe that's a Linux thing??

Glad you have it working now though. Blinky lights are kinda my thing, I've used variations of the NK marquee code for a few projects on my Blog


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