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Everything Else » Power Regulation/Conversion Efficiency and Switching Voltage Regulators...
August 24, 2013 by JimFrederickson ![]() |
I have talked about "Power Regulation Efficiency" before, but now I have In that past I have seen numerous articles that talked about "unplugging Normally I just ignored those things. My power consumption was pretty One thing I have always done was to make sure that the Wall Adapters that Well now that I am "Off-Grid" at 1 location and technology and my The result is I am paying alot more attention. Cases in point:
(I do have more examples, and all of the above are across multiple NOTE: The 19vdc Adapters were for powering Notebook Computers So it turns out these things are ALOT less efficient than I had thought. Interestingly ALL of my USB-Power Wall Adapters are EXTREMELY EFFICIENT, I have purchased a couple of different Switching Voltage Regulators and Has anyone else used Switching Voltage Regulators? |
August 24, 2013 by Rick_S ![]() |
I've used the LM2575S-5 with a video switching project for one of the machines at work. The machine utilizes 24VDC I/O for the machine control so I needed a regulator that would handle dropping that down to 5V without heat issues. I purchased small boards with the regulator, coil and some supplimental circuitry on eBay and they worked great (Once I found out they needed a 100uf cap on the output). Didn't even warm up, and have been running the video switcher for several months now without issue. Rick |
August 24, 2013 by BobaMosfet ![]() |
JimFrederickson- It's always worth questioning assumptions. Can you tell us how you measured the draw for each the power-adapters you measured, please? BM |
August 24, 2013 by JimFrederickson ![]() |
BobaMosfet - All of the AC Adapters were measured using at least 2, and sometimes 3, different methods.
I think the actual values may be a little "off", but I am very confident that the Being "Off-Grid" at the moment there is also the anecdotal data of the amount of time |
August 26, 2013 by BobaMosfet ![]() |
JimFrederickson-- Thank you. Wasn't questioning the work (FYI). Was just curious what you'd done to test it 'in circuit' with a load. I admit, you've got me interested in examining this sort of thing as well now. I agree, your findings are counterintuitive, and frankly, I would think power adapters would be better at this stage of the game. BM |
August 26, 2013 by BobaMosfet ![]() |
JimFrederickson, I guess one of the things I found shocking was that in all cases, they were using more watts than they are rated for (just using the PIE formula). BM |
August 26, 2013 by JimFrederickson ![]() |
Knowing how something has been tested is always a good idea. The PIE Formula? P = IV? In any case... I was confused a bit as far as the Wall Adapters using "more than their rated output". Then it occurred to me, that it is "their rated output". I have satisfied myself with the conclusion that the "rated output" is just that. It What I had expected to find though was some "fractional percentage increase of As mentioned... ALL of my USB Wall Adapters use very little when just plugged in, plug in a USB Device to get powered and they increase their usage by about that amount. Note that the set of Wall Adapters being discussed is NOT all of the Wall Adapters My Energizer Battery Chargers are also the same. No batteries to charge, very little One thing I thought was "FUNNY" about the Laptop is if, when it is running from the Now I do know that the "Power Saver Settings" actually do reduce the power necessary |
August 26, 2013 by JimFrederickson ![]() |
Thanks Rick for that recommendation. I will add that one to my list to be looked into. Long ago, well over 1yr, for my projects I switched to "Switching Power Regulators I often use the Murata Switching 78xx Compatible Regulators. I have found them to be It is just now that I am becoming much more interested in having power supplies that So I am looking at more options to see what I can find. Mostly I need in the range of 1-3amps. Although, associated with my most recent observances, I do intend on building a While I often do UNPLUG the Wall Adapter from My Laptop, I have NO DESIRE to |
August 26, 2013 by BobaMosfet ![]() |
JimFrederickson- I've thought about this more, and generally speaking, for any valid results, the measurement can only be done between the wall (aka MAINS) and the adapter. Because in all cases, the adapter is a load. Any load hanging on the adapter will be reflected, and you an use the difference to determine how much the adapter itself uses (quiescent). MAINS may be line voltage if 'on grid' or battery if 'off'. If you measure this in any other way, without a load on an adapter, it can be invalid based on the way the way the adapter is designed. Components inside the adapter are chosen based on expected load, and if that load doesn't exist-- it may behave in odd ways (very high voltage and almost no current, for example). Also, if your 'off grid', is your power a stepped approximation to fake AC, or is it DC? Just something to consider, as this may also have a bearing. Hope that helps BM |
August 26, 2013 by BobaMosfet ![]() |
To clarify, my above remark was obviously not aimed at all adapters, but many behave this way, so it's worth understanding. BM |
August 27, 2013 by JKITSON ![]() |
I am in the process of going total solar. Started about 6 months ago of finding more effeciant pc's & other appliances. Have been able to cut our existing power bill by about $50 per month. I have found the Wall Worts, TV, Direct TV, printers etc do not actually turn off by there remotes. All of these consume power unless unpluged or on switched plug strips. |
August 27, 2013 by JimFrederickson ![]() |
Hello BobaMosfet and JKITSON You both seem to be basically "re-iterating my initial observations and points"... I reread my initial posts, and I think they are accurate, but just to make sure I will I was, am, viewing the "Power Regulation Efficiency" broadly in terms of both "when it My "expectation" was not that a Wall Adapter "turns off", but that it's power usage What I was/am surprised about is that this "expected obvious drop of power usage Hence my intent to replace all of my Wall Adapters that are not as "Efficient" in So I was wondering what kind of switching regulators others were using. (I already |
August 27, 2013 by BobaMosfet ![]() |
I'm going to test several myself and come back with findings. BM |
September 01, 2013 by JimFrederickson ![]() |
Hello BobaMosfet, I will be really interested to hear what you find... Hopefully in another 2 weeks I will know more about my schedule and can determine when I |
September 05, 2013 by BobaMosfet ![]() |
JimFrederickson- Me, too. I'll post as soon as I can, and have the info gathered. I've got 5 wall adapters of various kinds to test with. BM |
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