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Support Forum » Parallel port bootloader hack?

September 09, 2013
by andyi
andyi's Avatar

I emailed support but haven't had any reply. Can someone send me details on how to load the bootloader onto a new (non-nerdkit) MCU?

Also any idea when the library will be available?

September 09, 2013
by Rick_S
Rick_S's Avatar

My Blog.
My most recent blog post was the post I had in the library here to describe in detail how to install the nerdkit bootloader.

Hope this helps,


September 09, 2013
by Ralphxyz
Ralphxyz's Avatar

Hi andyi, darn that is so easy but it has completely slipped my mind.

Must be that damm AGE virus, again.

Hopefully I will get back to you or someone else will step in.

Often hit the LIbrary page just so they will see some interest in their logs and hopefully they will restore it.

But I do not know how much interest Nerdkits has in restoring the Library. Mike and Humberto never were very interested in the Library. The only reason they had it was because I shamed them into having one but now they are not communicating, or at least not with me.

I have found web archives that have various portions of the Library you have to keep looking through the various sites and dates to find anything.


September 09, 2013
by Ralphxyz
Ralphxyz's Avatar

Darn that's right I forgot about your nicely documented method, Rick.

Oh by the way Ricks'Bootloader Install is one of the active links on web archive!!

Now I remember how I did it.

I used AVR Studio and just loaded the bootloader .hex just like any .hex file.


September 10, 2013
by andyi
andyi's Avatar

Thanks guys.

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