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Everything Else » Cheap USB to Serial TTL Converter!

November 26, 2013
by Pew446
Pew446's Avatar

Hey guys, seeing how the NK store is "Temporarily Sold Out" of everything, I found this USB to Serial TTL converter online, and I'm amazed. For only $6.49 it works absolutely perfect, including in Windows 8. Shipping is free, it is already stored in the USA, and I ordered mine on Saturday, it shipped Monday, and arrived today (Tuesday). Free overnight shipping?! Couldn't get any better.

Here's an image I took of it plugged into my (dusty) computer: Dusty!

I plan on ripping off the case and using a female adapter to build it onto my board. The six pins from left to right are +5V, GND, RXD, TXD, RST, 3.3V. You could just get the bare board for cheaper here, but it is stored at the "International Warehouse" which I assume means overseas, and could take longer to get to you.

Tmart has a lot of awesome things you might want to check out, actually. I don't mean to advertise for them, just want to help out other hobbyists. :)

November 26, 2013
by Pew446
Pew446's Avatar

Oh, and measuring the 5V and 3.3V pins, I got 5.04V and 3.47V, if anyone was curious.

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