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Support Forum » Library Broken

December 18, 2013
by masseym
masseym's Avatar

The Library link on the members page is broken.

December 19, 2013
by Rick_S
Rick_S's Avatar

Unfortunately, it has been down for some time as have other sections of the NK site. It seems that the founders either don't know how to fix the system crash that caused the problem or they have just lost the will to support this site any longer. While most of us are grateful they have at least kept what is left of the site open, it is sad to realize that it's only a matter of time until it's gone.

If you have a specific question, ask it on the forums. There are still a handfull of us old timers that will offer a hand if we can.


December 19, 2013
by Ralphxyz
Ralphxyz's Avatar

See my post for links to the Library "Web Archive" in the "site dying" thread.

Most of the Library is archived you have to look around.

It is a shame to lose Nerdkits, I still check it once or twice a day, we have had some great and most helpful discussions.


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