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Customer Testimonials » Anyone have issues connecting device to windows7?

October 29, 2009
by jingham06
jingham06's Avatar

Anyone have issues connecting this device to windows 7? It just wont install the drivers!!

October 29, 2009
by mrobbins
(NerdKits Staff)

mrobbins's Avatar

Hi jingham06,

Can you please give this driver version a try: PL2303 driver for Windows7. Please let me know if it works for you, or if not, what kind of error you're getting.


October 31, 2009
by jingham06
jingham06's Avatar

Thanks thats working great. However should it take like a minute to get past "Connecting to programmer: ." part when calling make?

October 31, 2009
by jingham06
jingham06's Avatar

I'm now getting this error:

make avrdude -c avr109 -p m168 -b 115200 -P COM4 -U flash:w:initialload.hex:a

Connecting to programmer: . Found programmer: Id = "S ""; type = p Software Version = V. ; Hardware Version = v. avrdude: error: buffered memory access not supported. Maybe it isn't a butterfly/AVR109 but a AVR910 device?
make: *** [initialload-upload] Error 1

Is this a Windows 7 related issue? I can't imagine it is but I'm not really sure where to go from here...


October 31, 2009
by jingham06
jingham06's Avatar

Sorry to keep posting but now it's saying Found programmer: Id = "Huh? Go";

That can't be right can it?

October 31, 2009
by pbfy0
pbfy0's Avatar

I got a sort of similar problem when the chip was continuously restarting while programming. Make sure the chip is on!

October 31, 2009
by mrobbins
(NerdKits Staff)

mrobbins's Avatar

Hi jingham06,

The "Huh? Go" message indicates that you are able to talk to the chip, but the chip is running our pre-loaded program, instead of being in programming mode. You need to flip the program/run mode select switch which is connected to microcontroller pin #14. To program the chip, it should be set so that pin #14 is connected to ground via the switch. Then, you need to cycle power to your breadboard, because the bootloader code only checks this switch when it first loads. You are very close now! Let us all know if that works.


October 31, 2009
by jingham06
jingham06's Avatar

Thanks for all the help. Turns out my switch was one place lower and was therefore doing nothing!! Thanks again!

October 31, 2009
by n3ueaEMTP
n3ueaEMTP's Avatar

At first glance I thought this thread might be in the wrong place (no offense jingham06). As I was reading the post I realized that this is exactly where it needs to be. Both of jingham06's questions were answered within 3 hrs!! Hows that for awesome customer service?

Chris B.


March 03, 2010
by Shanytc
Shanytc's Avatar

This works PERFECT on my windows 7! Thanks

March 18, 2010
by acp45
acp45's Avatar

i am having a problem opening the downloads. it says i have to have a mime conversion application?

March 18, 2010
by hevans
(NerdKits Staff)

hevans's Avatar

Hi acp45,

Its not really clear which file are you trying to download, and where you are getting the error. If you are getting the error on your browser, it might be helpful to right click the link and click Save As. This will let you save the file to your hard drive and Windows will likely know what to do with it if you double click it from there. If that is not the issue let us know which files are causing the problem and I'm sure we will be able to figure it out.


March 27, 2010
by Shanytc
Shanytc's Avatar

BTW due to a new PC I now got, I'm forced to use Win7 64Bit, and this driver works perfectly as well :-)

March 31, 2010
by treymd
treymd's Avatar

Another solution if using win7 64 bit mode to run applications that you just must have but are too old to run on win7 is to use what Microsoft is calling XP mode. It's a user-friendlier way of running windows XP on top of windows 7 as it hides the virtualization process. It's also free (yeah even microsoft does things for free sometimes)

March 31, 2010
by jmurphyca
jmurphyca's Avatar

Thanks, PL2303 worked fine, and nerdkits is making me think again.

All examples worked fine until ledarray kit.

I compiled or (make)ledarray_test no problem. (this worked) I was shocked that I accomplished that.

But I was using windows 7.... so next test was ledarray_template. I loaded onto the chip (that worked) np then blank.

I used putty for windows but any key i pressed displayed what looked like a ? mark or other chars. Also I tried to download pyserial (python not found in reg)with no luck. After some research I found out that Python windows 7(plug in) and XP vs win 7 are not compatible.

So now using xp had to re-install all software and start over... Still the ledarray_test works, But when I try to upload/make ledarray_template I get errors...

March 31, 2010
by jmurphyca
jmurphyca's Avatar

one more thing what does (1<<PC4) or (1<<???) what is 1<< as a programmer never seen this..

April 01, 2010
by Farmerjoecoledge
Farmerjoecoledge's Avatar

Hi, You've got me puzzled. There must be a different set of code for the individual array. The ledarray_test and the ledarry_template aren't on the site anywhere. I would assume the ledarray_template is the same as the ledarray.c If so lots of little things that you checked ok two minutes ago could be the problem now, it can change that fast. The line is super fine, you got to just keep trying. Pin 14 up, right? Sorry I don't know what the << is for i'm not a programmer, but I think it would indicate a shift to the left.

April 01, 2010
by Rick_S
Rick_S's Avatar

Did the ledarray_template come with the ledarray kit? If so, the template may be like the _edu versions of the basic code download. In those, portions of the program are purposefully left out forcing the end user to create/modify the code themselves for learning purposes. That is if the (1<???) is a literal example from the code. If that was a question as to what (1<<PC4) does, it is a bitwise shift. Your nerdkits guide explains that in detail and I'd suggest reading and practicing with the examples there until you fully understand it.

Having a full understanding of those operators will Greatly help your understanding of the C programs on the micro-controllers.


April 01, 2010
by jmurphyca
jmurphyca's Avatar

I downloaded the files again and everything works (using xp). Thanks for the help.

April 06, 2010
by Ralphxyz
Ralphxyz's Avatar

I had a horrible time with 64bit Windows 7 Ultimate. Never could load a program. The Windows XP Mode mostly worked.

I also got the blue screen of death trying to run puTTy.

It killed my pc, and now I am having problems running. I do not know if it was because of the crash or what is going on.

I am using my old XP tablet and my Mac mini though I am having problems with the mini also.

Of course I am the guy that always has problems and discovers bugs, I have been a code tester for the past 10 years and that was what I was supposed to do.

Like now, why don't I get the spell checker anymore when making a post? Oh well there's another one.


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