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Support Forum » Can't install latest version of Atmel AVR Toolchain - 3.4.3 (3.4.x)

January 24, 2014
by dvdsnyd
dvdsnyd's Avatar

Hi all, I recently reinstalled windows on my computer. I usually try to do this every so often(once a year-once every other year) It forces me to clean things up, plus it is amazing how bogged down computers can get with junk...I digress...

So I figured I'd try to install the latest AVR toolchain from Atmel's site.

Atmel AVR Toolchain

It downloads fine, but when I click the installer, it extracts to a directory, but then doesn't do anything else. All I wind up with is a folder with all of the bin,gcc and other misc files required...but it doesn't appear to actually install?

Has anyone else tried installing this version? I am confused by the installation notes as well.

Thanks for your input,


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