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Everything Else » Loss of certificate

June 02, 2014
by mongo
mongo's Avatar

Hey all... I log in here about once a week and read up on new developments, notably through JKITSON, BobaMosfet and Noter. (as well as the rest of you guys). Today, I logged in and my browser was not able to obtain certificates and claimed the site could not be trusted. But having been around here since the beginning, I think it can be trusted just fine.

There have been a lot of great ideas and developments right here, among the old and new to this stuff. I too would hate to see it fall to the wayside.

So, to keep in touch, I would not mind giving my real Email address here.

I am the CEO of a Green/Alternative energy company and value input from other hardware jockeys like myself.

I will still bounce around here as long as the site is functioning too!


Dave Fritzler,

Trinity EcoPower, LLC

June 03, 2014
JKITSON's Avatar


Glad to see you are still around. I still check in at least once a day. I also have learned a lot from NERDKITS. I put your email in my address book. Thanks


I am in the process of installing a solar/wind system. Still need to purchase a 60a MPPT controller then will have all I need. I have 12 795 AH batteries, 1500 watts of solar pannels, and a 500 watt wind turbine. Have two 3kw inverters that interconnet for 110/220 volts. Hope by July to be off the grid.


June 03, 2014
by sask55
sask55's Avatar

I will also post an email address that I have at

I now have an email addresses for a few of the regular contributors to this forum. It is a bit of a comfort to think I could possibly contact someone directly in the event this forum is lost. I hope that will not happen. A very large portion of the projects and experiments I play around with originated with something I found interesting on this forum and just wanted to try for myself.


June 04, 2014
by Ralphxyz
Ralphxyz's Avatar

Here is mine, rhulslander gmail

June 07, 2014
by mongo
mongo's Avatar

Got ya all on my list here. Thanks for the responses.

Jim, sounds like an Outback system. Been looking at stacking inverters for 240V but my systems are too small in general to think about 240 much. These are the small ones that you can drag into the woods and set up in about half an hour, plug in, turn on and relax. The latest design is a free-standing skid system that can be loaded like a pallet and when deployed has a 15' Footprint.

My designs are to keep costs down so customers do not need to rely on government incentives to buy them. Anybody with a little automotive electrical knowledge can service them, reducing the maintenance costs. I am writing an editorial on the topic to be published soon.

June 08, 2014
JKITSON's Avatar


Send some info to my email. Also would like to see your editorial.


June 15, 2014
by mongo
mongo's Avatar

Jim, Watch for email shortly. Been a little tied up.

I do have a FaceBook page on the company... I found that Google does a pretty good job finding it."

Trinity EcoPower, LLC

Working on the commercial website right now.

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