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Support Forum » Store permanently out of stock?

October 18, 2014
by syn_splendidus
syn_splendidus's Avatar

Hi, I was just talking to someone about them getting a Nerd Kit for their kid who wants to learn electronics, and it appears the store is still out of stock, despite months having passed since the last time I checked. My question is, has the retail portion of this site officially folded? Is Nerdkits now only this community, and have the creators officially moved on to other projects? Would definitely like to know, otherwise they'll have to start their kid off on an Arduino, and based on my experience, it would be much better to start with the Nerd Kit, from a learning standpoint!

October 18, 2014
by sask55
sask55's Avatar

There are a number of Nerdkits forum threads that have asked these questions for months now. From my point of view I would have to say I don’t know about “officially folded” or “officially moved on” but for any practical purposes, it would appear that Nerdkits is "now only this community". I know at least a couple of the regular contributors have attempted to get some answers to the questions you have asked before, without much success.

I totally agree with you on your statements about the educational value of the Nerdkits approach to micro controller projects. I and others on this forum have expressed similar sentiments in the past. Nerdkits started with and maintains a very friendly and understandable approach to a wide range of electronic, based around microprocessors. I personaly found Nerdkit hardware and guild is a great way to get started. From there with the help of the tutorials and the forums the possibilities are almost endless. From the very basic to the most detailed and focused questions, friendly and useful answers are usually forthcoming.

I loosely follow a couple of other web based forums on electronics and programing and in my experience nothing even comes close to Nerdkits.

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