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Everything Else » HAPPY NEW YEARS

December 29, 2014
JKITSON's Avatar

Happy New Years to all.....

May your program & projects go well & be "BUG" free....


December 29, 2014
by BobaMosfet
BobaMosfet's Avatar

Happy New Years in Return-- may all your 2015's be better than your 2014's...


December 29, 2014
by Keyster
Keyster's Avatar

happy New Years guys!!

December 31, 2014
by Rick_S
Rick_S's Avatar

Happy New Years to everyone! Cheers

I'm looking forward to New Years being better than Christmas ended up for me. My gallbladder decided it didn't like me anymore and I ended up spending most of Christmas in the hospital and had it removed the day after. It was so infected that the infection had leaked into my abdomen so I got to spend 3 days in that wonderful place of healing Wink

But I'm on the mend now and will hopefully be back to my tinkering... Not that I have any real projects in the works, but one never knows when inspiration will arise.

December 31, 2014
JKITSON's Avatar

Glad to hear you are on the mend. We sure need your expertise & help..

Happier New Years....


January 01, 2015
by scootergarrett
scootergarrett's Avatar

Happy new year.

Maybe if I write out some goals and click 'Post' I will be more likely to do them:

1) Get a handle on Noter's ISP code, including fuses for using internal clock

2) Make a example code library for the ATTINY85 (pin change interrupts, real time interrupts, exc)

3) Be able to program the 324 after bootloading

Then I would have large medium and small microprocessors under control

January 01, 2015
by Rick_S
Rick_S's Avatar

If I recall from when I was working with it, the 324, has very few extra hardware features than the 328's, it's main advantage for me was the extra I/O it had. It programs pretty much the exact same way with VERY minor modifications to the 328 software.

January 02, 2015
by BobaMosfet
BobaMosfet's Avatar


Hope you're doing better. Sounds like it was getting serious, really fast. Glad you're on the mend. Did you ever notice a 'yellowish' mark or anything in the whites of your eyes, at any point prior? Did you have any recurring pains in your torso/chest previously that stopped and then recur?


January 02, 2015
by Rick_S
Rick_S's Avatar

Never had the yellow spots on the eyes. My knowledge of gallbladder issues began while I was on vacation in early October. But the story begins about ten months earlier...

Last December (2013), I made a conscious decision that if I wanted to be around to enjoy my life as my kids become adults and at some point provide me with grand children that I would have to make a major change. I was weighing in at 320.5Lbs at about 5'10" height. 12/31/2013 was the day I changed my eating habits. Gone were the continuous streams of high fat, high cholesterol foods, and enough calories/day to feed 3 people.

I started out with Weight Watchers online only. With that as a guideline, and knowing my lifelong sedentary style, I adopted a variation of what they told me to do into something that would work for me. A new healthy diet, low in saturated fats, High in vegetables, and fruits. Not eliminating any certain food from my diet, to allow for the occasional craving to be satisfied, but keeping that to a scant minimum. Through that 10 month period leading to my vacation, I ate very healthy and it paid off. By my vacation in October I had lost about 105Lbs, looked a lot better and felt even better yet.

So, My wife, my daughter and I travel down to Florida for a nice weeks stay. I figure, I've been good all year, I'll let go a little and eat foods I hadn't eaten much of all year... but still keep an eye on calories somewhat so as not to go too far out of control. Everything was fine for the first 3 1/2 days when the worst pain I had ever had hit me. I went to the ER and was diagnosed with a gallbladder attack. They got the pain under control, the Doc said to eat low fat (Which I had been all year) and see my family doctor for a referral to a surgeon to have it removed.

Well, being the type who doesn't see a doctor unless I have to, since I felt better, I didn't go to my doctor as I was instructed.

Skip ahead to Thanksgiving, that evening I was feeling the pain startup a bit again, so I took some of the meds the doc in Florida had prescribed and the next day felt better. This time my good wife convinced me to see my doctor. Which I did. The doctor had me take a test to measure the output of my gallbladder. The results were telling. The lowest acceptable output is 35%, and my gallbladder was putting out 8%. My doctor set me up with a surgeon who is on holiday until 1/5/15... Needless to say after a not so good for me meal on Christmas eve, My gallbladder had had enough and decided it was time to go.

The funny part of it all is that my doctor told me that while the weight loss (I'm over 110Lbs lost now) was good for me, it's most likely what lead to the gallbladder disease. Gallstones are formed around Cholesterol in the bile. When you lose large amounts of weight quickly, the liver cannot filter all the fats and cholesterol out and you get a higher than normal concentration in the bile. When this 'fatty' bile is sitting in your gallbladder it is much more likely to form stones and cause problems.


January 02, 2015
by sask55
sask55's Avatar

I would also like to once again wish you all the best in the New Year.

It sounds like things are going in the right direction for you Rick I hope you continue to feel better.


January 02, 2015
by Rick_S
Rick_S's Avatar

Thanks, it's appreciated.

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