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Everything Else » Programming Android Phone
February 27, 2015 by Noter ![]() |
This is pretty cool - MIT App Inventor 2. I've written a couple of apps in it now and it's the easiest authoring tool so far. Connection to the nerdkit or arduino via bluetooth is the direction I've taken with the idea that I'll use my phone to control/query my avr creations. |
February 28, 2015 by Rick_S ![]() |
That looks interesting, does it actually create an apk that is then downloaded to the device? Can you then share the apk with others or will it only work on the device it was transferred to? It looks like it could make android development of basic apps a lot easier. I have to read into this more... favorite has been added to my favorites bar |
February 28, 2015 by Rick_S ![]() |
Nevermind, I answered my own question. I took the 1st tutorial and modified it to a magic 8 ball that when I shake the phone, it gives 1 of the 20 answers in a label and speaks it out loud. Downloaded the apk to my computer and phone. This can be fun |
February 28, 2015 by Noter ![]() |
The screen designer is very helpful but I especially like the way the puzzle pieces snap together in the code block. |
March 01, 2015 by Rick_S ![]() |
Yeah, you can't make programming much simpler. It's pretty much like programming in scratch (also an MIT thing) |
March 01, 2015 by JKITSON ![]() |
Rick When you said you downloaded this new app to your computer (PC) I assume it runs the same as if on a smart phone? I am very new to this "app" stuff. Could this be used for the following: Every year at out Tractor Show we have to try and print a bunch of info sheets as to what a Tractor Pull is and how it works. We also tell about the Antique Hit - Miss engines, old generators etc. Can all this info be put in an "app" and post wherever, and then instruct the visitors that it is available to them on their phones? Jim |
March 02, 2015 by Rick_S ![]() |
By downloading it to my computer, I can easily just copy it to any of my android devices. I'm not running the app on my computer, though if you had an android emulator, I guess that would be possible. As for creating a basic menu screen with text / photo sub screens, I think that would be a fairly painless process using their app builder. You could then host the app file somewhere, print up a QR code for the link ('cause that's what the young'uns associate with What do you think Paul?? |
March 02, 2015 by Noter ![]() |
Seems android only would be very undesirable to share information with the public so probably apt inventor is not a good tool for it. Info sheets are static in nature which allow them to be uploaded to a server as simple web pages. Everyone has a browser on their smart phone so all they need is a link which could be a QR code printed on a program or posted at the event. The issue becomes formatting the information for the various platforms. Although smartphones can scale there is nothing worse than trying to read info on a web page that is formatted for a standard (large) computer screen. As you know, I like free, or at least cheap solutions so I did some testing with google sites because the content can be automatically formatted for any target device. It works good and it's all free for a gig of storage or something like that. Takes a little effort to get going on it but it is WYSIWYG so no html needed. I think google sites would be a better platform to publish Jims' info for everyone. As an example, here is your site Rick, a nice site but not dynamically formatted for small screens like a smart phone or tablet: Compare to the info (a few of my projects) I have on google sites, try it on different devices to see the dynamic formatting in action: |
March 02, 2015 by JKITSON ![]() |
Paul & Rick Wow thanks both of you for your insight. Looks like the Google sites & QR code is the path I will investigate (another learning curve). Thanks again I probably will be asking more dumb questions later. Jim |
March 02, 2015 by Noter ![]() |
A lot of fun can be had with QR codes. Here's my link from above again but in text this time :-)
March 05, 2015 by JKITSON ![]() |
Thanks for the insight to Google Sites. Have done the basic layout & six pages. Created a QRcode for the site. Amazing how Google makes it usable on different smart phones. This was pretty easy to learn & use... Here is the webb address: Tractor Pull below is the QRcode |
March 06, 2015 by Noter ![]() |
That is a great start! Only thing I saw that needs a bit of touchup is the info pages have a comment section at the bottom that is overlapping the footer and also says I don't have permission to add comments. Looks great on my cell phone too except for the comment thing. I'd try your qr code but the image didn't come thru on the post above. |
March 06, 2015 by JKITSON ![]() |
Thanks Will look into your comments tonight. Will try to post the jpeg instead of the png qr codes. I do not want comments as do not want to spend the time having to edit/remove and monitor them. Will see what I can do to remove the comment thing. Jim |
March 06, 2015 by Noter ![]() |
I think maybe your site looks good on the cell phone just because it is a simple layout. Not sure but check to see that mobile option in ManageSite->General checkbox is checked. It's near the bottom of the General settings page. It's especially important if you start using the automatic navigation in the site layout. Still a great start for your first effort. ++ |
March 07, 2015 by JKITSON ![]() |
I removed the "comments" on all pages. I already had the "mobile" checked. Here is a new try at the QRcode. Thanks for the help.... |
March 07, 2015 by Noter ![]() |
I don't like comments on my pages for the same reason. Have to use the 'Direct' link from your photobucket page to get the image to show up here on nerdkits. Your QR code works and the site looks good. |
March 07, 2015 by JKITSON ![]() |
Thanks Paul... Lets hope I can remember the "direct" thing next time.. My next step will be to try and add some photos & more information to the site.. Jim |
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