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Project Help and Ideas » Flexible programmer / bootloader

October 17, 2015
by scootergarrett
scootergarrett's Avatar

I finally finished mu dedicated programmer / bootlad board


just pop in on of these nerdkit compatible chips





And its hardwired into the ISP chip. Here is the wire diagram. One big happy family

October 17, 2015
JKITSON's Avatar

Wow Scooter you sure put a lot of thought and insight into this project. I have thought about some of this so I could burn a chip and plug it into one of my many projects. I will study this more and will have a ton of questions I suspect.

Good job


October 18, 2015
by Ralphxyz
Ralphxyz's Avatar

When I first got my Nerdkit and my curiosity was really peaked, I purchased a ATMEL STK600 development kit for 8 bit and 32 bit microprocessors. It came with adapters for most of Atmel's micro processors plus I bought some newer adapters.

I probable have $800.00 or more tied up in the the damm thing.

Damm because I never used it for a couple of years and when I did a KNOWN weak voltage regulator blew.

I have a replacement regulator, but have never gotten around to installing it.

It's on my one of these days list or maybe ebay.

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