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Customer Testimonials » New Forums

January 20, 2016
by Rick_S
Rick_S's Avatar

With the future of the NerdKit forums very uncertain, and as a long time user and supporter of this group, I want to announce the startup of my forums. I would love to see all the Nerdkit users come on over and join. This way when these forums do pass, we can as a group still have a common place where we can communicate our ideas and projects. Please let others know about the new forums.

I have ever intent of keeping my forums as open and friendly as the NerdKit forums have been.

Come visit at RS-Micro Forums


February 02, 2016
by Rick_S
Rick_S's Avatar

Well, it's been nearly 2 weeks since I setup the alternate forums with little to no activity. I have seen a few of the regulars here create accounts as well as a couple of spammers. Hopefully more will move over and visit and create accounts as time goes on before this site meets an untimely end.

Any Ideas for improvement from those who have visited??


February 03, 2016
JKITSON's Avatar

I have been looking at the Tractor Sled thread trying to clean the old stuff out and move current system info & new pic's over to your site. Probably another week or so.

Thanks for the site and time to move to it before !!().


February 25, 2016
by mongo
mongo's Avatar

I just registered there myself. Hope to see more folks make the migration.


February 26, 2016
by Rick_S
Rick_S's Avatar

Me too, It's been pretty slow there. It's pretty much what I thought would happen. But I'll keep them there and maybe they'll turn around and become more busy. I'll try to post things periodically. Thanks for coming over!

July 23, 2018
by lnino
lnino's Avatar

Hey guys, I just thought about to continue some projects which lie in my drawer. When I tried to access the "new" Forum of rick, I see that the domain is not existing longer. Any chance to reactivate the real nerdkit Website. There were so many brilliant brains in here, but Umberto an Co are inactive over years now. I am pretty sure there are a lot of people which might be interested in the nerdkit. greetings Nino

July 23, 2018
by Rick_S
Rick_S's Avatar

Yeah, sorry about my site dropping off. I just ran out of money for the hosting, and like this forum, I had next to zero activity. So due to those factors, I decided to pull the plug on the site. It never really went anywhere anyway. I had a few NK friends follow me over there, but due to the lack of activity, interest waned and even they stopped posting. I still own the domain, but the databases are lost.

I haven't played around with the microcontrollers much in recent days, and when I do, it's typically Arduino because of the simplicity of the UI.

Good to hear from you on here though,


August 08, 2018
by countryguy828
countryguy828's Avatar

Hi Guys,

Good to see some activity here. I too miss the Nerdkits community and wish for it to return. I learned much here and have able to create some interesting projects. When I started out I debated whether to go nerdkits or arduino route. I chose the nerdkits because it was raw components that allowed me to learn more about how the hardware works together.

Let keep the knowledge growing,


December 14, 2018
by Danno
Danno's Avatar

I bought a nerdkit and LED array a few years ago but got caught up with some other projects and am now returning to them. Good to see the website is still active as I needed to reinstall drivers and the C compiler. Hope the forums become active again at some stage.

January 30, 2019
by BobaMosfet
BobaMosfet's Avatar

some of us old geezers are still here to help ;)

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