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Everything Else » need assistance please
January 23, 2016 by CCP ![]() |
I purchased the NerdKit several years ago and am now just getting around to setting it up with a new computer using Windows 7. I have gotten to step 10c and have opened up the makefile in Programmers Notepad however the last line reads "avrdude ${AVRDUDEFLAGS} -U flash:w:initialload.hex:a" and not "avrdude:---bytes of flash verified" Can anyone suggest what I should try next? Thank you. Charlie |
January 23, 2016 by sask55 ![]() |
Charlie If I am understanding your post correctly it seems that you have a bit of a misunderstanding about what is required in step 10B and step 10c. In step 10b opened up the make file with Programmers Notepad. This may be required to change the COM port addressed in the make file so that it will match the COM port that your PC is using to communicate with the USB cable. You will need to verify use the Device manage in you windows to find out what COM port is being used for this communication. Then using Programmers Notepad you edit the contents of the make file so that the references to the COM port will match the port that is currently being used by the computer. It is not clear to me if you have completed this step. Let us know if you require further instruction to complete the this. Don’t forget to save your edited make file back to the same location as it was. In step 10c you do not actual make use of the Programmers Notepad in any way, you can close it if you wish. You will now be establishing communication between the PC and the Nerdkit chip using the command line available to you in windows7 OS. On the PC click on the Windows Start button in the left lower corner of the screen. Type “CMD” into the “Search programs and files” text box, press enter. This action should open up a command line window on your screen. Using the command line, you must navigate to the folder that contains the make file that you have modified to match the correct com port. I don’t know if you are familiar with DOS commands, if you require more detailed instructions let us know. It is not difficult it should only require a few keystrokes. Now that you are in the correct directory with the command line type “make” to run the code in the make file that you were looking at. If the make file executes correctly, you will see some text print out in the command line window. The last line printed in the command line window is the line you are looking for from the guild. Let us know if you have any further questions. Darryl |
January 25, 2016 by CCP ![]() |
After typing "make" I get the following: avrdude -c avr109 -P M168-b 115200-P COM4-U flash:w:initialload.hex:A Connecting to programmer: Found programmer: Id=">bp"; type=2 Software Version = .; Hardware Version=. avrdude: error: butterfly/AVR109 but a AVR910 device? make: *** [initialload-upload] Error1 |
January 25, 2016 by sask55 ![]() |
CCP The butterfly error message has been a very common error in the past. The simplest and most complete advice that I can give is, search the word "Butterfly" in this forum's search box. There are a lot of posts regarding this error message. I think you will find a number of different possible causes that you could look into. Just start at the top of the list of results in the search and try and determine if the issue and the possible remedy fits your circumstance. Your almost there it is likely something quite simple to correct. Darryl |
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