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Microcontroller Programming » /dev/cu.PL2302-0000xxxx for Mac's USB-C (Type-C)

January 27, 2021
by alligator
alligator's Avatar


Haven't played with Nerdkits for years and today pulled it out for fun but found a problem. I had no problem plugging the programming header into my old MacBook Pro's USB port and programming/transferring code. Since newer MacBook Pro's only have 4 USB-C ports, I have to plug the serial-USB into Apple's USB-to-type-C adapter and I can no longer find cu.PL2302-0000xxxx in /dev/. Any hint to fix this? Many thanks....


January 27, 2021
by alligator
alligator's Avatar

Just downloaded the newer driver from: and now in /dev/, "cu.usbserial" shows up...

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