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Project Help and Ideas » Thoughts on the NerdKit

November 10, 2009
by wjh308
wjh308's Avatar

I was not quite sure what I would be getting with the nerd kits. I already own an STK500, and a dragon. I read and use Joe Smileys butterfly book, and know the ATmega 48/88/168 handbook by heart. After watching some of the videos, I was left with the impression that the guidebook would be loaded with some advanced topics. I also wanted the LCD display, and access to the software libraries in use.
Well, it turns out that perhaps I am a little bit more advanced in my hobby that I thought. The guide book is very well written, and a great starting point for some one new to all of this. What I gained the most out of the kit however is the software libraries for the UART, and LCD. I learned more by just studying the source code and implementing the routines used than what was in the guide book. I think a great idea for people who have most of the basics down, would be a programming guide that in depth explains the software libraries, implementation of said libraries, and more projects that instead of saying, "plug wire A into port B", show a schematic.

November 11, 2009
by mrobbins
(NerdKits Staff)

mrobbins's Avatar

Hi wjh308,

Glad to hear you learned something from our kit, and thanks for the suggestions. I'd also highly recommend you look through our 19 (and growing) video tutorials because each one adds a lot more advanced programming or electronics topics once you've gone through the guide. Best,


November 17, 2009
by mongo
mongo's Avatar

I noticed the same... But I am actually a professional in other areas of electronics and found the approach refreshing. Everyone is a beginner at some point so going back to that point for all does make sense. Schematics are pretty simple to put together after the fact too...

I have one thought as a suggestion:

Howsabout a PC board with the program switch, crystal and whatever necessary parts ready made for a starting point? I would include the level/polarity shifter on the same board too. I have a simple design already in the works for my own use but am quite willing to share.


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