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Project Help and Ideas » My marquee walk thru - update

November 21, 2009
by Rick_S
Rick_S's Avatar

In case anyone is still interested, as I said I would do, here is the followup to my marquee project.

Original post Linky

After a couple of hours of playing with the table saw, router, and brad nailer, the marquee is looking a bit more finished. I built a nice little cabinet for my marque from some pine lumber I had. Add a bit of stain and a NerdKit and voilla, its finished. (except for making a back) :)


Here's a view of the back. I plan to add a thin back and possibly make a more permanant (NerdKit) to stay in the box.

alt BACK

Now I just have to figure out how to make a phrase scroll without sending it via serial.

Fun times ahead.


November 21, 2009
by Rick_S
Rick_S's Avatar

I made a quick video and posted it on YouTube. Pardon the mess in my computer room!

YouTube Linky


November 22, 2009
by mongo
mongo's Avatar

Now THAT'S being creative... I have a couple of those strings of LED lights from last year that got messed up while trying to staple them to a couple of boards. Note, the wiring does not handle stress too well. I like the separation idea and am going to steal it. Might as well get some kind of use out of them huh?

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