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Support Forum » Help!!!

December 25, 2009
by seanruckle
seanruckle's Avatar

HI I just got my nerdkit and I am completely lost. Can anyone help me?

December 25, 2009
by mongo
mongo's Avatar

Been there...

First thing is to read the docs. Especially when it comes to actually assembling the first project. All it really does is verify that it's assembled correctly.

When you get that part going, holler again and someone like myself will probably pick up from there. Maybe even me... I have to start over again as well since I had to do some other things instead of playing with the kit. The old memory just ain't what it used to be.

December 25, 2009
by hevans
(NerdKits Staff)

hevans's Avatar

Hi Sean,

The place to start is the NerdKits guide. There is alot of information there to get started. Keep in mind that we take a learn as go approach here at NerdKits. Don't be afraid if you don't get everything the first time around. With time and practice it will all become clearer. As ways if you have questions, feel free to post them here or email us at support.


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