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Microcontroller Programming » Newbie needs help !!!!!

January 03, 2010
by Evo803
Evo803's Avatar

Can someone please exlain to me how to copy a program from this forum and load it on the mcu. I want to try one of the many examples of the led light chaser program. I am copying the code and pasting to the programmers notepad then doing save as cylon . At the command prompt I can find the file cylon.doc but there is an error saying the program can't find cylon.c . How do I convert the file to that extension. Any help would be greatly appreciated !


January 03, 2010
by mcai8sh4
mcai8sh4's Avatar

Hi Chris,

If you copy the code from the forum, then paste it into your programmers notepad, then save it as a "c" file : so you want your filename to be called "cylon.c"

You could just rename cylon.doc to cylon.c - that should work as well.

Then you need to create a Makefile (you can just copy one of the ones supplied and change all the instances of the filename to "cylon"). Then run 'make' and you should be done!

If you have any further problems, shout out.


January 03, 2010
by Evo803
Evo803's Avatar

Thanks that did it !

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