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Support Forum » where do you get wiring instructions to the progects!!!!!!!! plz help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

January 03, 2010
by toric5
toric5's Avatar

i looked in the guide but it only gives instructions fot the temp sensor

January 03, 2010
by mongo
mongo's Avatar

The guide gives you the basic hookup for power, the display and the temp sensor. The rest of the stuff kinda needs to be extrapolated from texts and messages found in the forums. Some are also accompanied with links to drawings, photos and other information.

If you have the temp sensor wired up, you have the biggest part of it completed. Custom changes come along as you begin to understand the ins and outs of the setup. It took me a while to catch on to the methods here but if I could do it, so can anybody else.


January 03, 2010
by toric5
toric5's Avatar


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