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Microcontroller Programming » Total C virgin Newbie

January 07, 2010
RICHRICH36's Avatar

I will admit, I am a TOTAL NEWBIE. I am trying to get in the world of microcontrollers and the first thing I want to do is emulate credit pulses for some game machines that use digital coin acceptors. The following code was provided to me but I have absolutely no idea how to turn it in to something useful for the atmega. Anyone out there that wasnt to help me?


;equates section

tmr0 equ 1 ;means "tmr0" is file 1 status equ 3 ;means "status" is file 3 porta equ 5 ;means "porta" is file 5 portb equ 6 ;means "portb" is file 6 trisa equ 85h ;means "trisa" (the "porta" I/O selection) is file 85h trisb equ 86h ;means "trisa" (the "portb" I/O selection) is file 85h option_r equ 81h ;means the "option" register is file 81h zerobit equ 2 ;means "zerobit" is bit 2 count equ 0ch ;means "count" is file 0ch


list p=16f84 org 0 goto start


;configuration bits __config h'3ff0' ;selects LP oscillator, WDT off, PUT on (Power On Timer), code protection ;disabled


;subroutine section

;Coil Sense delay

sense1 clrf tmr0 ;start timer0 loopa movf tmr0,w ;read tmr0 into working register sublw .5 ;time - 5 btfss status,zerobit ;check time - working register = 0 goto loopa ;time is not 0, so do it again retlw 0 ;time is 5, return to the last point in program

;Travel between sensors delay

travel clrf tmr0
loopb movf tmr0,w sublw .3 btfss status,zerobit goto loopb retlw 0

;Led Sense delay

sense2 clrf tmr0
loopc movf tmr0,w
sublw .4
btfss status,zerobit
goto loopc
retlw 0


;configuration section

start bsf status,5 ;turns to bank 1 movlw b'00011111' ;5 bits of "porta" are inputs movwf trisa

    movlw   b'00000000'
    movwf   trisb               ;"portb" is all output

    movlw   b'00000111'     ;to set the prescaler at /256
    movwf   option_r            ;timer is now 1/32 of a second using the 32.768 Khz cristal

    bcf status,5            ;return to bank0
    clrf    porta               ;clears "porta"
    clrf    portb               ;clears "portb"


;Beginning of program:

;Button x1: add one credit each time pressed

x1 btfsc porta,0 ;check if switch is pressed goto x10 ;switch wasn't pressed, check again!

        bsf portb,0         ;switch was pressed, send the first pulse
        call    sense1          ;wait
        bcf portb,0         ;clear the first pulse
        call    travel              ;wait

        bsf portb,1         ;start sending the second pulse
        call    sense2          ;wait
        bcf portb,1         ;clear the second pulse
        call    travel              ;wait

;Button x10: add 10 credits each time pressed

x10 btfsc porta,1 ;check if switch is pressed goto x1 ;switch wasn't pressed, check again!

        movlw   .10         ;load 10 into W
        movwf   count       ;load 10 into "count"

repeat bsf portb,0 ;switch was pressed, send the first pulse call sense1 ;wait bcf portb,0 ;clear the first pulse call travel ;wait

        bsf portb,1         ;start sending the second pulse
        call    sense2          ;wait
        bcf portb,1         ;clear the second pulse
        call    travel              ;wait

        decfsz  count       ;count - 1, skip if cero
        goto    repeat

        goto    x1


January 07, 2010
by Rick_S
Rick_S's Avatar

It's hard for me to tell as I'm not totally familiar with it, but it looks like assembly to me not C.


January 08, 2010
by justin
justin's Avatar

I got the same impression, Rick_S. RICHRICH36, I did a couple of quick Google searches, and I'm pretty sure that's PIC assembly. In other words, it's low-level instructions for a very different type of microcontroller. I'm sure that program can be translated into something that will work on the ATmega, but it looks like a task best suited for someone with some experience programming PICs. :-)


January 08, 2010
by mrobbins
(NerdKits Staff)

mrobbins's Avatar

It does appear to be PIC assembly for a part number 16F84.

I think that your best bet is to only look at the comments, and then write AVR C code that matches the description. BCF appears to be a "bit clear", and BSF is a "bit set" -- similar to the digital I/O bit manipulations we discuss extensively in The NerdKits Guide.


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