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Project Help and Ideas » 11x11 LED portrait

January 11, 2010
by fdlkid2
fdlkid2's Avatar

Hi first i would like to thank you for creating this kit. Right now i just completed the temperature sensor project and will continue to finish the guide but i got an idea after discovering the LED array addon kit. Is it possible to create 11x11 or some type of LED portait? If so, how would i go about that?

January 18, 2010
by hevans
(NerdKits Staff)

hevans's Avatar

Hi fdlkid2,

I'm not really sure what you mean by 11x11 portrait. Do you just need an 11x11 grid of LEDs? Or do you mean something that is 11x11 inches and can display a picture?

An 11x11 grid of LEDs could be possible with a little bit of thinking and tweaking of the LED Array Code. You could easily turn our 24x5 array into a 22x6 array by stealing one of the columns and turning it into a row driver. Then you can take the first 11 columns and stack them on top of the second 11, which will give you 11x12. You will have to pretty drastically change the way the information is rendered to the display, but it is definitely possible, and would probably make for a very interesting project.

Hope that gets you going in the right direction.


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