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Microcontroller Programming » Python creates it's own errors!

January 16, 2010
by Farmerjoecoledge
Farmerjoecoledge's Avatar

I changed the to combo.c so you could see it. IDLE works too but it shows what it's added. Does anyone know what part of the python that's making my life sooo much fun. The syntax error is 'NOT' in the code, the compiler put it there :|

January 16, 2010
by Farmerjoecoledge
Farmerjoecoledge's Avatar

More fun, this is a virgin listener and a fresh, rebooted python31. What is it?!?! Syntax Hell

January 16, 2010
by Farmerjoecoledge
Farmerjoecoledge's Avatar

The "cdledarray" is a mistake, "cd ledarray" is the right one. I should've done another window. :)

January 16, 2010
by Farmerjoecoledge
Farmerjoecoledge's Avatar

MMMore FFFFun... This is from my desktop which worked yesterday. The gcc disintegrated right before my eyes. Both machines!! at the approximate same time!!?? For those of you that are new to my adventures, both machines have a brand new xp pro os less than a mo ago. Implicit Hell

January 17, 2010
by Farmerjoecoledge
Farmerjoecoledge's Avatar

This may well be my last entry on these forums. This is no shit, both machines, same isp programmer, same new chip. "BOTH OF THESE PROGRAMS WORKED YESTERDAY" What did "I" do to cause this? I got my NK003 Friday, it's the python error above, It hasn't been to the DT, so that can't be it. That's it, I did defragment both machines in the process, as well as in/uninstalled them. The NK003 did work, when the software "did".

So friends, no need to reply, I'll be hangin out at MathLab from now on, Peace.[SameErrorLT1] ( [SameErrorDT1] (

Farmerjoecoledge 1/17/10

January 17, 2010
by Rick_S
Rick_S's Avatar

Farmer... I hope you aren't gone for good... The reason I didn't reply to your earlier posts in this thread is because python isn't my thing. Don't know much about it at all. I only installed it to be able to modify the fonts in the LED array project.

This however sounds like it's doable. If you had done a google search for libusb, you'd have found out that it is a library for allowing direct communication with USB devices. It kind of skirts around Windows. I have to assume that AVRDUde uses this for it's USB communications (since it's saying to recompile with libusb).

Have you installed ANYTHING between the working / non working time on BOTH your computers (related to programming or not)?

Do you have windows restore on where you could back up to a couple of days ago and see if it works then?

Try re-installing WINAVR (as administrator).

If this doesn't help, I'm out of ideas for now.

Good luck,


January 17, 2010
by Farmerjoecoledge
Farmerjoecoledge's Avatar

Tunnel vision, ya know! Realizing this post should have read, "GCC" makes it's own errors. Major confusion, I was compiling a .py file with python from the command line, python the compiler?! I'm still not quite sure of the relationship but not to worry, on to bigger and better.

I opened a .py file in PN and it was going to compile until the syntax error. "Make" from the command line "will not" compile a .py file, oh well, I'm done.

There's the last entry, and the last comment is, the WinAvr GCC Toolchain sucks and it's the only one in this neck of the woods, so it's Arm bound.


January 17, 2010
by Rick_S
Rick_S's Avatar

Well Farmer, If you truly are leaving, I'll be sorry to see you go. You have sparked a lot of good conversation here and I'm sure a lot of people learned a lot through it all. If I don't hear from you again, I wish you well in all your endeavors.



January 17, 2010
by Mike
Mike's Avatar

Well, it's going to be easy to shoot me down, but anything involving Windoze is suspect, IMHO.

I just will not buy it, use it or own it again. And it's all pretty much because of the type of 'odd' problems Joe is having.

Linux is free and it just runs.

January 17, 2010
by Rick_S
Rick_S's Avatar

Use of any operating system whether it be windows, linux, macos, or any other, at this level involves the user having an intimate knowledge of what is going on in their OS of choice.

From my experience, people touting my OS is better than your OS, simply don't have a good enough knowledge about the other to make it work for themselves. And that type of argument is generally NOT helpful.

I use windows because I began in the early '80s in a DOS environment and grew into windows. I have a linux box setup in my garage and use it for basic internet and music streaming. All my other pc's are Windows based. Not because I'm stupid or because I am closed minded enough to think that Windows is the best OS out there, just because I know windows relatively well and it works good for me with little effort.

Linux while closer than it used to be can be a real pain in the A$$ when it comes to finding drivers. However, I'll never put someone down for choosing that as their platform. And for you to make the blanket statements "anything involving Windoze is suspect" and "Linux is free and it just runs" While may be true for you and your knowledge level of the two OS's, is not always true for others.

Oh, by the way, Grant (AKA Farmerjoecoledge) Had linux installed on his pc and had as many problems with it. That's why he went back to windows.

Just my 2 cents worth... YMMV


January 17, 2010
by Farmerjoecoledge
Farmerjoecoledge's Avatar

Good Morning Rick,

The reason I say that is I've noticed your an early riser, even on Sundays!

Your a true gentleman, always looking to help. Don't worry I'll be around and if I need you, I've got your number. So get out there, do what you do best, and drive carefully!

Your Bud

January 18, 2010
by Mike
Mike's Avatar

Ok, fair enough Rick. But I did not put anyone down. If you can show me where I did, I will apoligise.

My mileage has varied. Not once have I had to reinstall or had a crash except for power outages.

To each his own.

Cheers and have a good day.

January 18, 2010
by Rick_S
Rick_S's Avatar

I apologize for the earlier rant. I normally try to keep things cool and I did not mean to say you were putting people down... Just that I won't. I try to stay away from words like windoze, winblows, linsux, etc... Mainly because people who are attached to their OS of choice get rubbed wrong.

That is why I try to help where I can, keep OS out of the equation, and try to help people get going. All this based on my level of knowledge. Now that level, while considerably more than some, is admittedly considerably less than others. I just do what I can.

This development platform will work under both windows and linux/unix based OS's. The plain fact that people of both use it daily proves that.

I'm glad to see people running linux/unix/mac here and I'm happy to see more participation from them. I know Humberto uses linux or at least is very familiar with it based on his level of help to that side of the table. However, it seems that he is one of the few helping out the linux/mac users. I'd like to help out those people more but since I don't have the development platform setup on a linux box, I cannot help the people who have issues due to my lack of familiarity with it.

So please accept my sincere apology if I came off harsh.

BTW, FJC, I am an early riser by most standards. I'm usually up around 5:00 - 5:15 AM even on weekends when I don't have to. I've got a crazy internal alarm. :D

And very glad to see you will at least be lurking around here!!


January 18, 2010
by Mike
Mike's Avatar

No problem. We're good.

January 18, 2010
by Farmerjoecoledge
Farmerjoecoledge's Avatar

Good News, There's a patch on the way, they say it's the dude that's got stoned and hit a wall but I got proof it's the gcc.

January 18, 2010
by Rick_S
Rick_S's Avatar


January 19, 2010
by Farmerjoecoledge
Farmerjoecoledge's Avatar

What? Did I say patch? They say the 2010 didn't compile right and left out the usb support. Would that be avrdude? But I didn't install the 2010! I put in 2009 when I started and was working so no need to install the 2010. So they must have updated their gcc without notifying me. That would explain why both machines quit. Here's the gcc totally blind, the makefile it can't find is in it's own interface. Good one hey? Blind GCC

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