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Customer Testimonials » Ehhh

January 22, 2010
by Punkrat
Punkrat's Avatar

When I received my nerdkit for a late Christmas present I was ecstatic. I laid out the parts. I realized I was missing the crystal oscillator, one of the yellow LEDs, yes I'm aware there are easily found replacement parts but still. I’m a little put off by nerkits for now.

January 22, 2010
by Punkrat
Punkrat's Avatar

sorry, just realized that i had the osilattor

January 22, 2010
by mongo
mongo's Avatar

I would be happy to send you a yellow LED if you like.

Actually, I thought I didn't have the crystal at first as well. I was looking for something about 5 times taller when I realized it was that tiny little metal can. I have ten more just like it now, just in case I lose it again.

January 22, 2010
by Punkrat
Punkrat's Avatar

Well I just ordered a few more LEDs thanks though; I also was confused about the size of the oscillator so I thought I didn't get one.

January 23, 2010
by Rick_S
Rick_S's Avatar

Please don't be put off. Like everyone else on this planet, the Nerdkit Guys are human, and as such, make mistakes from time to time. Send them an e-mail at support <at> nerdkits <dot> com and they'll take care of it for you.

These guys will bend over backwards (figuratively of course :) ) to help their customers in any way they can. They are quick, and professional.

We'll be looking forward to hearing about your new adventures here in the forums. If you have any questions, feel free to post. There is almost always someone around who will help out.


January 23, 2010
by hevans
(NerdKits Staff)

hevans's Avatar

Hi Punkrat,

Glad you figured out the oscillator issue. Our parts come from different suppliers, and sometimes they just run out of a certain part and we have to find a suitable replacement. Sorry about the confusion.

I'm sorry about the LED oversight. I just sent you an email suggesting ways we can replace the missing part for you.

Rick, thanks for the kind words. We do make customer service our number one priority, but it is you and the rest of the NerdKits community that really complete the educational experience.


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