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Basic Electronics » Digital pots

January 27, 2010
by luisgarciaalanis
luisgarciaalanis's Avatar


I was looking for a 1MOhm Digital pot, but I don't seem to find any. Its for a proyect that uses a 1MOhm log pot.

is thre such thing?

Thanks Luis

January 27, 2010
by rajabalu21
rajabalu21's Avatar


Take a look at Maxim's site

I am sure you can find what you are look for.


January 27, 2010
by luisgarciaalanis
luisgarciaalanis's Avatar

not 1 Mega Ohm ones for some reason they tend to get up to 100KOhm

January 27, 2010
by rajabalu21
rajabalu21's Avatar

Yes. You are right they max out at 100K. Other than connecting 10 of them in series, I am wondering whether is there a resistance multiplier circuit to make this possible.

However, I found there is one from [Analog Devices] ( with 1M option. Also take a look at this for all digital POTs.

January 31, 2010
by sepeters
sepeters's Avatar

hmmm, might be interesting to find a 10% 1MOhm resistor that was reading a bit low and then use a 10kOhm pot in series... just a thought.

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