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Microcontroller Programming » Need Accelerometer...

January 28, 2010
by Arik
Arik's Avatar

I need to get an 3 axis Accelerometer that I can use with my NK.
2 things... 1) what one do you guys recommend? 2) would the accelerometer just constantly spit out the 3 numbers (like a,b,c) and I would just have to store the data and do what ever needs to be done.. or is in more complicated then that?

also, if I am missing something here with my 2 questions please let me know.


January 28, 2010
by Rick_S
Rick_S's Avatar

The accelerometer I have played with put out a varying voltage based on direction and acceleration. I simply read the values from the ADC inputs on the micro-controller to interpret what was going on. I had an old hardwired guitar hero guitar for an Xbox 360 I had got on ebay that was defective. It has a 3 axis 3.3v accelerometer in it and I wired to the board to get the data from it. I don't have a hot air station to remove the little bugger - or re-solder it if I did get it off so I basically just played around with it a bit and put it up.

So to answer your questions...

  1. Don't really have a recommendation, Might want to look at what suits your price and read it's datasheet to see if it is easily interfaceable.
  2. The one I used did not "spit out numbers" it simply put out varying voltages which I read with the ADC of the chip to get my numbers.

Hope that helps...


January 29, 2010
by Arik
Arik's Avatar

Thanks Rick, Haven't thought of that... hmmm... does a normal 360 controller have a 3 axis chip in it too? I googled it and wasn't able to find anything... The Wii controller does...

Has anyone taken a accelerometer out of another device that I could find cheap to use? if you did was the out put digital, or analog (varying voltage).

any info on any accelerometer would be helpful!


January 29, 2010
by Rick_S
Rick_S's Avatar

No, the normal controller doesn't the guitars do to detect the guitar movement during gameplay. I just happened to have a broken one left over from a batch of 10 broken ones I had purchaed on ebay. I fixed most of them and traded them in at gamestop more than making up the money I spent in the initial purchase. They were easy to test because they are USB and windows would recognize them and show all the button presses and movements. You could probably pick up one of those wired guitars for not a whole lot any more used at gamestops. They are way low on the desired list now that they are all wireless.


January 30, 2010
JKITSON's Avatar




January 30, 2010
by Rick_S
Rick_S's Avatar

If it's accelerometer breakout boards, Sparkfun also has a bunch...

Sparkfun Link


February 01, 2010
by Arik
Arik's Avatar

Thanks for the info.... It will be needed... I say WILL, as my project ran into some big issues over the weekend. I am not sure what the problem is just yet, or if I will be able to fix them with what I currently have. May have to start from scratch... putting project on hold to think of new ideas...

Thanks guys! I did look into those Chips/Links and I like what I see... not sure what way to go yet, but when I get back to this point, I will let you guys know and post more about where I am at with my project.


February 01, 2010
by pbfy0
pbfy0's Avatar

Here's another sparkfun page

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