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Everything Else » LCD mating connector

February 18, 2010
by mrediske
mrediske's Avatar

Does anyone have a part number for the mating connector of the LCD? I have designed and manufactured my own circuit board for a project. My main board has a 15 pin D-sub connector going to the LCD, but I can't find a connector that I can solder the wires to going into the LCD.

February 18, 2010
by mongo
mongo's Avatar

The best way I can think of is to get a strip of pin header and cut it to length. The leads can be soldered to the pins and covered with epoxy or something to make it stronger.

Personally, I am just soldering a strip of flat cable to the pads and bypassing the connector altogether.

February 18, 2010
by mrediske
mrediske's Avatar

I was thinking about the epoxy as a last resort. I would like to have a completely removable harness.

Thanks mongo.

February 18, 2010
by mongo
mongo's Avatar

It's still removable. The epoxy just goes over the wires on the outer edge. Kinda like molding a plug out of it. The pin header will still plug into the edge connector. Another thought is possibly old computer cables. Hmmmm.

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