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Support Forum » 2 Projects due! got 2 wks! NEED HELP!!!!!!!!

February 23, 2010
by JaiMaster
JaiMaster's Avatar

Hello Every1. I got my nerd kit a week ago. Now that I really took the time to see what I have. I'm in trouble because I just realize the program I been learning isn't like the nerdkit. I know Proview32; using DS89c4xx microcontrollers with 40 DIP. I was wondering if the ATmega chip can be program using proview32.

If not I'm back to square one.

I do like these project: Traffic light make music Temp. sensor

The Final project I told my professor I was doing is getting a stepper motor operatioal.

Any help, guide, way to put me in the right direction. Just really save my butt.

Thanx to any help from all!!!!

P.S. I can't seem to open the AVR program to get started on the USB hook up. I made my LCD say congrads...

February 23, 2010
by hevans
(NerdKits Staff)

hevans's Avatar

Hi JaiMaster,

We understand getting your hands on something new to you can be daunting, if you put the time and work into it, I have no doubt you can get something working pretty quick (and learn a lot in the process). My suggestion is to pick a project and go for it! If you are already familiar with how stepper motors work, it should not take you too long to figure out how to control one.

If you are having trouble programming, you can let us know here. There are lots of very helpful people on the forums eager to help. If you post pictures and screen caps of your command line when you get the error it would help alot. You can also email us at support <at> nerdkits <dot> com, we will do our best to help.


February 25, 2010
by treymd
treymd's Avatar

While there are tons of IDEs (Like proview32) Programming languages tend to be few (ish) in number. A quick glance at proview32 tells me it is a C language IDE and therefore.. just a glorified text editor in a sense. The language you learned stays the same. you may need to learn new menu options, and perhaps the specifics of the chip itself (see the datasheet) but the transition should not be hard. And this site has aa ton of eggheads to help you along the way.

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