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Support Forum » NerdKit OSX 10.6.2 (Snow Leopard) setup

February 25, 2010
by Ralphxyz
Ralphxyz's Avatar

I can no longer use my pc to upload the MCU (conflict with Microsoft Active Sync) so I am trying to set up my Mac mini. Of course I know next to nothing about OSX.

I have installed the USB driver. I have installed the NerdKit recommended editor.

When I plug in the USB cable Network Preferences opens up to "configure" the USB connector which it sees as a modem.

What do I do?

I haven't the slightest idea what I am supposed to do now.

Thanks for the help, Ralph

February 25, 2010
by N3Roaster
N3Roaster's Avatar

The message is a little bit annoying, but you can safely ignore that and just do nothing with it. The device file will still be created under /dev/ and avrdude doesn't need anything more than that. The only setup you need to do is edit the makefile for your project to point to the appropriate device file (/dev/cu.something) which, unfortunately, seems to change if you plug the cable into a different USB port.

February 26, 2010
by Ralphxyz
Ralphxyz's Avatar

Ok,but where is /dev in OSX 10.6.2 (Snow Leopard)? I have tried searching with Spotlight but have not been able to find it.

Thanks, Ralph

February 26, 2010
by Ralphxyz
Ralphxyz's Avatar

I am starting to remember my early Linux .75 (Unix) days.

I tried using the Terminal:

Me$ cd /dev Me$ ls

The only thing I see with cu. is: cu.Bluetooth-Modem ptyu2 ttyrb cu.Bluetooth-PDA-Sync ptyu3 ttyrc

I have installed the driver a couple of times.


February 26, 2010
by N3Roaster
N3Roaster's Avatar

The device will only show up if the cable is plugged in.

February 26, 2010
by Ralphxyz
Ralphxyz's Avatar

I have installed: Mac driver osx-pl2303-0.3.1-10.4-universal.dmg and AVRMacPack-20080721.dmg

But nothing appears in /dev.


February 26, 2010
by Ralphxyz
Ralphxyz's Avatar

and then I got real courageous and tried avrdude:

miniMac:dev Me$ avrdude

Usage: avrdude [options]


-p <partno> Required. Specify AVR device.

-b <baudrate> Override RS-232 baud rate.

-B <bitclock> Specify JTAG/STK500v2 bit clock period (us).

-C <config-file> Specify location of configuration file.

-c <programmer> Specify programmer type.


So I would assume avrdude is installed, now what is the port that I should use?


February 26, 2010
by Ralphxyz
Ralphxyz's Avatar

N3Roaster, thank you, I was busy trying things and did not see your reply.

Yes with the device plugged in it shows up in /dev so I have the port!!


Thank you so much, is this spelled out anywhere in the NerdKit's forums or documentation?


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