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Support Forum » Multi Panel Array - not working

February 27, 2010
by gplouffe
gplouffe's Avatar

I have just completed assembling my multi panel (two panels) array but alas it does not work correctly. Was hoping to get some help troubleshooting. I used a PC board vs the bread board as this project will be a permanent unit that I will use to follow twitter. Had everything working with one panel (twitter etc included) but I seem to be having problems with the master slave config. I flashed each chip (two with slave program and one with master program), connected spi bus and can effectively communicate with the master (seems to be receiving data over the serial bus) but each panel has three led's on solid and nothing else happens. I don't own a scope and other then verifying the wiring, am not sure where to start to begin debugging. I used the code included with the video tutorial (changed master code to reflect 2 slaves and tried without changes as well) but no luck.

Any thoughts would be appreciated. I have pics and videos showing what things are looking like if you would like to see them.



March 01, 2010
by gplouffe
gplouffe's Avatar

Some additional info. When I pull the master MCU out of it's socket I get the same pattern (3 leds on) on both slave panels so I doubt there is communication between the master and slaves, or at least I have something wrong on the slave side. Does anyone know what code to change in the ledarray_test .C file in order to make it work with the SPI slave pinout configuration? I tried to change the ledarray pinouts to the spi slave pinouts but did not get a proper pattern. I think there may be some additional definitions or something that I need to change.

Thanks Guy

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