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Basic Electronics » LM34 R-C Damper
March 19, 2010 by Ralphxyz |
The spec sheet suggest using a 75 ohm resistor. I do not have a 75 ohm resistor but I do have a 100 ohm resistor. What difference would the extra 25 ohms make? What would it do? mongo in a prior thread, [multiple LM34 temperature sensors] (, had suggested using a capacitor to sink any noise R-C Damper this is from the spec sheet. Thanks for the help, I know so little but I certainly am learning. Should the R-C Damper be at the LM34 or at the breadboard? Ralph |
March 24, 2010 by Ralphxyz |
Does no one know the answer to what affect substituting a 100 ohm resistor for the 75 ohm resistor illustrated in the spec sheet will have? I know a larger resistance will slow the "charging" of the capacitor but I do not know what that means. Thanks for the help and setting me straight. Ralph |
March 24, 2010 by BobaMosfet |
Yes, the difference is approximately 25uS. You can use the 100 Ohm resistor without worries. BM |
March 24, 2010 by Ralphxyz |
Excellant thank you so much. I know that was a really trivial question but I just didn't know the answer. Could you post the formula that determines the speed of a capacitor charging? This is just for my learning, nothing that I specifically need. Ralph |
March 24, 2010 by BobaMosfet |
It is approximately thus:
BM |
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