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Microcontroller Programming » PWM and LEDs

April 02, 2010
by ruipinheiro
ruipinheiro's Avatar

I wanted to make it so that a LED gets brighter and brighter and then once it hits "full-power" it would loop back to off. I know this can be done using PWM to keep switching the pins between on and off but I have no idea how. The datasheet doesn't show anything I can understand either, and the projects that use PWM can't be adapted that easily.

Anyone care to explain how PWM works a bit? Thanks, and love my Nerdkit so far :D

April 02, 2010
by bretm
bretm's Avatar

Something like this?

April 02, 2010
by ruipinheiro
ruipinheiro's Avatar

Yeah, exactly that. Thank you very much, I looked around but didn't find that.

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