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Microcontroller Programming » Cant find any of the files, HELP!

May 03, 2010
by azantel
azantel's Avatar

Reading the guide and it mentions files such as tempsensor_template.c and Intialload.c where are these files? I've download the code folder from the download page and they don't seem to be in there. Please help, Thanks.

May 03, 2010
by hevans
(NerdKits Staff)

hevans's Avatar

Hi azantel,

initialload.c is in the initialload folder. temsensor_templace.c is actually a typo. There is no tempsensor_template.c. The code you should be editing is the code in the tempsensor_edu folder, the code you should look at if you get stuck is in the tempsensor folder. Does that clear things up?


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